Cheri Berens's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 183 of 346 in Wall Photos

Some very credible people I know have been searching high and low for the original, or any, interview with Barr where he says that the Justice Dept. finds no evidence of fraud to alter election outcome -- nor any words to that effect. Mainstream news has put a clip on air as they state that he said this, or words similar to this, but the video clip is not a live interview, nor is there any talking played, just the video in the background as if Barr is being interviewed. No real video has been shown of Barr saying this.

Additionally, the source of this alleged interview with Barr supposedly came from an AP reporter. But you will not find the original interview anywhere. Not even on the AP website. Mainstream media is saying things like: "Barr's comments in an interview with The Associated Press ..." But where is this interview? If they really had one they would play it incessantly.

You'll also see reports that Barr said "to an AP reporter 'To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election.' But again, where is this interview with "an AP reporter." Who is this AP reporter?

Let's wait a little longer before we become depressed about Barr's disappearance and this alleged comment by Barr. I think it's possible that once again we may have been duped by fake news, which wants us to give up.

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