Dawson InRealTyme's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 16 of 68 in Wall Photos

You can fool some of the people most of the time, but you cannot fool God. He knows the heart of a wo/man is wicked in all of its ways, and He knows the depths and power of sin that births iniquity in the soul, He knows the vanity of the proud heart, the pretense of false piety, the acidness of lying tongues, the poisonous root of mans dark perceptions and He knows the secret thoughts of all wo/men, He knows the counsels of evil thoughts listening to a covetous heart which follows the design (record) of man. For all wo/men bear the appetite to rule as gods in this world, feeding the appetite of the God-code apart from grace, to control and destroy another whether over a person, a nation or just being in competition with another by exhibiting one's own skills, talents and gifts.

But hear ye all who seek not the light of the Lord, but rather seek to shine the light of your own letter (signature), the Lord is the Greater Power and it is Him who is the Creator, and if a wo/man do not bow down to Him in humbleness of heart, agreeing to dim your own light for HIm to be the Light of your soul, mind and conscience ..... which light is IN those who bear His mark engrafted in them by obedience to His terms ...... but strive to retain your own light which is the false light of the soul, how do ye think will ye be able to stand before the Lord in obedience and humbleness, transformed, if ye never did consent to HIM, but resisted Him? For He is the Governor of the regenerate soul, the Compass of of the righteous marching as one into their destiny and He is the Rock of salvation unto those who build their faith upon the chief cornerstone who is Christ, the token and the contact point for this transition into light from out of darkness..

Let them who have an ear hear and let them who have eyes do see, for the Lord awakens the conscience by grace, to His previous conversation (revelation) He had with all His creatures in the Bosom, that He imprinted and concealed in the conscience, that He sent to be born of flesh to be tested and tried in this dimension.

By faith in Christ, with Christ as the measure and the scale is a man of faith in righteousness, qualified to return to where we all came from

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