Diane Yarbrough's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 122 of 435 in Wall Photos

Saturday, June 13, 2020

President Donald Trump is traveling to West Point Academy in New York where he will deliver the 2020 commencement speech to the 1,100 graduating cadets. White House spokesman Judd Deere said of the event, “Saturday’s graduation is about these incredible cadets and their amazing accomplishments, and as the commander in chief, President Trump wants to celebrate that and thank them for their service to our country.”

Due to coronavirus concerns, the ceremony will be smaller than previous years. Graduates will be practicing social distancing, wear face masks, and family members and friends will not be in attendance in order to reduce the crowd size. Cadets would previously shake hands with the president, but this year they will salute from a distance.

In the afternoon, the president will return to Bedminster, New Jersey, where he is expected to remain for the weekend. The president will be taking part in various events in Bedminster and meeting with national figures.

In the afternoon, the president will return to Bedminster, New Jersey, where he is expected to remain for the weekend. He is planning to take part in various events and meet with national figures as part of the celebrations for his 74th birthday on Sunday.


For wisdom for the president as he speaks to the West Point graduates today.

For God to use the president’s words to inspire and help guide the graduates in the next phase of life.

For safety for the president as he travels.