Diane Yarbrough's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 147 of 435 in Wall Photos

TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 2020
President Donald Trump will have a working lunch with Vice President Mike Pence at the White House today.
The president and vice president will evaluate foreign issues including circumstances with Iran and China. Domestic issues regarding law enforcement, civil liberties, the pandemic and economic recovery will also be discussed.

Vice President Pence was in Texas for Celebrate Freedom Sunday at First Baptist Church Dallas. The vice president delivered remarks on faith and freedom. He said, “Even when things don’t seem like they’re going the way we expected, they’re going the way [God] expected.”
The vice president continued, “if we will but hold fast to Him, we’ll see our way through these challenging times, we will restore our nation’s health, we will renew our freedom, and we will inspire people across this land with our witness of the love and compassion and strength that comes in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.”

For the president and vice president to receive God’s wisdom as they consider courses of action.
For the Lord to guide President Trump and Vice President Pence in the decisions made.
For the nation to come together in faith and for God’s truth to be known.

President Trump's Schedule
All Times EDT
3:30 PM Receives intelligence briefing – Oval Office

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