Diane Yarbrough's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 247 of 435 in Wall Photos

SUNDAY, November 29, 2020
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump are remaining at Camp David, Today. They have no public events on their schedule and will be returning to the White House in Washington, D.C. in the evening. The president and first lady will spend the remaining time with family and resting ahead of the busy week.

In the days ahead, the president and administration officials will continue to work closely with pharmaceutical companies in the partnership to produce a COVID-19 vaccine. Several companies are in Phase 3 trials and the Food and Drug Administration is reviewing the results and progress in order to determine the safety and the efficacy of the vaccine.

The president praised the medical progress in a press briefing at the end of last week, “I’m very thrilled with what’s happened on the vaccine front. That’s been absolutely incredible… Nothing like that has ever happened medically.”

For the president and members of the first family to be able to rest and enjoy their time together this weekend.
For God to be at work through the president and administration officials as they continue to address the issues that the nation is facing through the pandemic and the resulting economic impacts as a result.
For safety for the president and first family as they travel back to the capital today.

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