Darrell Turner's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 301 of 745 in Wall Photos

I am no Saint, but, I am a strong believer in God. I don't really fear God, I fear his strength/capabilities.. if you ever think you have the upper hand on Mother Nature, for instance, dream the hell on, cause you will get smacked and put in your place every time.. Just an example, have you ever, seriously, stood, face to face with a full blown Tornado, coming at you three or four blocks away, and no time to get away and no real cover to hide, except a small drainage ditch with a corrugated pipe going underground??? Well I have , and if you can think of any man made object, that is badder than that, please let us all know,, cause it would be the first, but there will be no , meaner, more powerful, than good ole Mother Nature. Just sayin.

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