Daniel Schofield's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 315 of 937 in Wall Photos

Is our gov. going to sell us out to the NWO? Why hasn't Barr or Durham arrested anyone for high crimes committed? Collusion, impeachment, covid, Floyd & riots, back to covid, led to corrupt mail in voting. Now a bunch of Dem. screwballs control the executive and judicial branches and 1/2 Congress (I'm sure they expected all). Anyone can see it's been a coup but why ? How could our patriot president not know ? They appear to be stalling on vote count to let it sink in that we've lost. One could write pages of all the sh** that's gone on from Obama till now, all bad. Should we form organized militias or just let them disarm us and take us down one at a time ? Every patriot should be thinking about this, a slim chance even with God's help of winning this election.

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