James Crescenti 's Album: Wall Photos

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Trump returned to the White House yesterday and I happened to be listening to cnn, I was not surprised to hear an anchor railing against the president.

We all know that the Fake News will sharply criticize Trump no matter what he does, but when he caught the virus, to see so many on the left wishing for his death, is a display of who they really are, and their true hate for man and country.

Many ’news’ outlets had him in grave condition. Wishful thinking on their part. Jake Trapper an anchor from cnn didn’t wish Trump’s demise, but he was very angry. Tapper caricatures the news in an unctuous and sanctimonious tone.

Then I heard “bullshit’ live on the air followed by taking the Lord’s name in vain; it was non other then Chris Cuomo, cnn’s Hail Mary play, hoping to resurrect their failed standing by bringing back some of their lost dwindling audience with rude crude trashing talking cheep thrill fake news.

A major problem for the socialist propaganda machine is that Trump handled the virus with aplomb. He rose above the negativity of the lowlife Deep State socialist Swamp and walked back into the White House and they don’t know what to do.

They can’t be happy because that would be showing human traits, respect and love of country, to which are non existent in the world of socialism.

Straddled with the Triple Whammy of Kamala Harris’s practicable failure during the VP debate. (The first was the presidential debate) All they are left with is a “fly” a “suspected case of non existent pink eye based on hopeful circumstantial bull chit”, a “pathetic attempt at trying to convince their viewer that VP Pence is a Joe Biden lite who couldn’t stay awake durning the debate”, “Harris’s stupid remark of I won’t take a vaccination shot if Trump tells us to”.

Stupid is as stupid does, Biden & Harris are a perfect match. considering the astounding remarkable recovery President Trump has made. Oh, and let’s not for get the old warm out debunked, fact checked and proven false by every fact-checker in clouding snoops; “ Trump is a racist White Supremacist”.

When all else fails and they can’t stand on their policy’s, agenda or candidates, they fall back to their sewer swamp playbook tactics of playing the race card and character assassination.

When you also factor in, President Trumps amazing recovery is based completely on the medications the socialist democrat party is calling non existent, or claim will kill us if we take them, the very medications/ vaccinations Harris stated in the debate Trump has lied about.

It brings to light the true unspoken agenda and motives of the socialist democrat party in regards to COVID-19 and all their efforts in deceiving America.

It high lights their desire to prolong the shut down, and their unwillingness to pass a COVID stimulus without porking it up with Trillions of tax payer dollars to bail out their failed experimental socialist states of NY and auntie Nancy’s personnel pet experimental disaster, her socialist sanctuary utopia of califookya.

Both socialist experimental states have so completely failed, they resemble every other socialist communist take over country in the world, in do much as people are fleeing NY and the socialist sanctuary of califookya the same way people flee from countries that have fallen to communism through the history of the world.

And the final nail in the the coffin of the Biden Harris campaign was Harris’s blatantly smug, gaslighting inability to answer simple questions.

Harris’s arrogant self indignant dismissal, followed with the socialist democrats typical old worn out playbook accusations of racism followed by their standard playbook character assassination attempts prove that Biden & Harris can not tell America their true intentions because they know full well if they did, America would not accept or approve of them and would overwhelmingly turn on them, and the socialist democrat party would be history.

Proving beyond all question of doubt;
socialist are pathological liars who lack the courage of their convictions, therefore, they cannot and will never tell the truth.

They know they can never tell the truth about who they are what they stand for, what they want and what they will do once they are in power.

The fact that they refuse to tell America what their intentions for America are, what direction they intend to move America in, what form of government they will install and use to govern America; should be of grave concern to everyone, regardless of you party affiliations.

Garrison/ and you know who