Glenn Tober's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 8,046 of 10,979 in Wall Photos

Tweeter Violated Me Again. This time for 14 days.
I'm contesting their decision.
Below is my response.

My tweet didn't violate sh*t. It was a simple question. Is it a crack pipe or a Meth Pipe. Look at the damn picture. Hunter Biden has a DRUG USER PIPE in his mouth. Isn't @Jack in enough trouble suspending everyone's accounts today for posting that article and videos of Hunter Biden from the NY Post? I see that The Republican Party and Senator Ted Cruz sent letters to @Jack for Election Interference. I DEMAND to know why you are targeting Conservatives but you let the Democrat Party get away with lying every day. I see Tweeter is on FOX News right now. The Senate Judiciary Committee is DEMANDING answers right now for this same BS your trying to pull on me. Unlock my account and I demand an apology. I will be sending copies of this action to Congress (Senate Judiciary Committee). We are going to put a stop to your harassment of our 1st. Amendment Rights.

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