I feel like doing a little venting tonight, so here’s my two cents. I like you are feeling a little down and discouraged right now. Your thinking it’s the end of the World, we lost our President Trump and through the Democrats cheating, we now have an Idiot Pedophile for a President. Right now, of all times, we have to stick together and show Trump that we are fighters, that we can overcome all obstacles in our quest for a better America. I feel your anger, but just because you’re hurt, don’t take it out on another Patriot. We all have our opinions on what it would take to straighten out the situation at hand. Believe me, Trump is no quitter. This fight isn’t over, so suck it up, I ain’t heard no fat lady singing yet!
I see a lot of you attacking Q and anyone following them. I’ve followed Q since day one, and I’m here to tell you that they are fighting for us, and in no way are they fake, a larp, or a psyop conspiracy. You see, the red pill doesn't end or begin with Q, this movement was supposed to be a vehicle to gather information and red pill others. Q taught us how to dig for information against the crocked evil Deep State. Q drops hints on who we should investigate and how.
I believe a lot of mis-information and shattered hopes begins with the watching of these so called Patriot Youtubers. These are people with their opinions on what’s going to happen. When their main objective is to make money! So in fact, instead of Patriots, the Qanons call them PAYtriots. They’re nothing but Re-peters of mis-information in most cases. Some of them just being, well, Peters (D*cks). Their videos are just crammed full of crap that they try and get you to buy. (So they can make more money) The biggest liars, the loudest and craziest, get the most attention, making them more money. Q warned people to stay your distance from these people.
Now, let’s get back to being rude to people. Hold your tongue, just because we’re not ready to do something stupid like jump in the car with weapons loaded and a shitload of ammo (AND GO WHERE?) Where are you going? Who are you going to shoot? Are you going to storm the Capital and make it all right? Are you going to be just like the people we detest most? (BLM and ANTIFA) A lot of us might think we’re Rambo, look in the mirror for a reality check. We are getting to old for a firefight. Get a grip, this war isn’t going to be fought with weapons. (At least not yet.) Today’s battlefield is digital, weather you understand it or not. Your best weapon is your brain, your thoughts, and your voice, so let’s use them. You say, Well, the Democrats Cheat, How can we win over that. We have to be smarter, awakening the Brainwashed mines of liberals is a hard task, but doable. The whole Q movement was to awaken people. And the Q movement is Worldwide! The Q movement just isn’t for America, it’s for every Country in the World that has sh*t upon their people for wealth, greed, and power. Each day we become stronger, and expose the corruption that has been going on for Centuries.
There’s still much to be done. Ask yourself, do I even know who my representatives are? Have you ever written them? Spoke to them? Do you know who your judges are? With your phone or PC you can have this information in 5 minutes.
So let’s all just take a deep breath, because it’s not the end, have some faith, this movie couldn’t end with such a crappy ending. And just remember, we were nothing but sheep being led to slaughter, completely ignorant of all the corruption until Trump and Q came along. And were trying to expose the most intricate network of the biggest and smartest thieves this World has ever seen. And I think we’ve been doing a fine job so far.
Have Faith!
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