Glenn Tober's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 9,003 of 10,979 in Wall Photos

Have you ever contacted any companies and asked them if their foods are GMO Free? I have contacted many, with NO response back. I going to say that EVERY LAST FOOD OUT THERE is made with GMO. So how are we suppose to NOT eat GMO products. Don't say health food stores because they are Non Existent around here. And if you can find anything healthy, it costs 4 to 10 times the price of normal food. Hell, I can't even afford to buy the GMO packed food. ALL chickens, turkey, beef, pork, and fish are fed GMO grains. And unless you grow your own vegetable's (from HERITAGE SEEDS ONLY), they're just about ALL grown from GMO seeds to control weeds and pests. Even free range chickens are started on GMO chick feed. So all eggs are contaminated. Let's see, we could all just eat wild game? Nope, those deer just ate grass from your lawn that was grown and sprayed with GMO's. Even the water you drink from 200' underground has been contaminated with something? Remember Agenda 21? Now Agenda 2030. Bill Gates, Monsanto Poisons, People like Fauci, Leaders of ALL countries, Big Pharma CEO's, Big Named Doctors, they all met and conspired to "Kill Billions of us" back in 1992. And they're doing just that. They might not be using guns, but they're fulfilling their promises.

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