Glenn Tober's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 2,110 of 10,979 in Wall Photos

Anonymous 07/16/18 (Mon) 17:40:50

Credible theory on "the football."

Consider the following:
- Putin has digital info Trump needs.

- Putin gives Trump a soccer ball at a critical time.

- This particular soccer ball contains NFC tech capable of transmitting digital information.

- Consider that Trump knows our meme of Barron being a tech genius (he's "very good with computers" according to POTUS).

- "This ball is going straight to Barron" could = this ball is going straight to our tech guys.

- Ball was examined by USSS as the Trumps were leaving.

- Putin: "The ball is now in your court." Obvious double meaning?

Did we just watch the most important data transfer in world history on television in front of the world, disguised as a tongue-in-cheek, goofy gesture?

"Keep your eye on the ball," Q.

It appears to be more than possible. Even likely?

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