Glenn Tober's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 3,883 of 10,979 in Wall Photos

Australia gives 'lesson of civilization' to everyone!!!
Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law have been ordered to leave Australia in order to prevent possible terrorist attacks.
Prime Minister John Howard shocked some Australian Muslims by declaring:
Non-Australian immigrants must adapt!
" take it or leave it, I am tired that this nation should worry about whether we have offended some individuals or their culture. Our culture developed through struggles, victories and achievements by millions of men and women who sought freedom.
Our official language is English, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese or any other language. So if you want to be part of our society, learn the language!
Most Australians believe in God. It is not a question of Christianity, right-wing influence or political pressure, but it is a fact, because men and women founded this nation in Christian principles and that is officially taught. So it is appropriate for this to be seen on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your host country, because God is part of our culture. We will accept your beliefs without asking questions. All we ask is that you accept ours and live in harmony with us peacefully.
This is our country; our land and our lifestyle. And we offer you the opportunity to enjoy all this. But if you do nothing but complain, play with our flag, our commitment, our Christian beliefs or our way of life, then I encourage you to take advantage of another great Australian Freedom: the right to go. If you're not happy here, then you can leave. We didn't force you to come here, you asked to be here. Then respect the country that accepted you ".

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