Glenn Tober's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 4,063 of 10,979 in Wall Photos

My son took this picture today. This is on a street in San Francisco. He was concerned for this young man but mostly for the younger kids walking past this guy. Shooting heroine. He found a cop standing on the corner of the same block and approached him. He advised the cop that there was a guy shooting heroine right there on the sidewalk with younger kids walking by seeing this happen. The cop told my son that City Hall doesn't care about people shooting heroine and that the city supplies these folks with everything, from syringes and arm bands in order to shoot up. Just not the heroine. The cops words were "I don't know where you're from but this is the most Liberal city in America" Nothing he could do about it. Are you kidding me????
That my friend is what scares the hell out of me! Is THIS how we take care of our own???? Here in America??? Liberalism at it's finest folks!

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