Glenn Tober's Album: Wall Photos

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Facebook in their infinite wisdom has thrown my butt back in FB Jail for the exact same meme that they threw in in jail for last month. Grrrrr!!!!
But apparently when I posted it years ago, I was commenting on a post about Michaelle Obama. So I said First Tranny, and posted that meme that said there was only two genders.
I just did 30 days for this meme, So they asked my thoughts on the matter? Maybe they shouldn't have done that??? So my response was,

You said that I posted First Tranny? Where is the original post? I'm assuming that I was talking about our First Man (Transvestite) Mickael Obama. Tranny is short for Transvestite, so what is your beef about this. If you really think that it was a woman you need serious help. That (FAKE) woman has a D*ck, therefore it is a Tranny. Obama was a (Fake) ass President, Their kids are being rented out by some of their friends. Because when you have a D*ck, you can't have kids by childbirth. Transvestite=Tranny! You closet case liberals need to wake the hell up. The Obama's were the biggest fakes ever. Look at the video of Michale dancing with Ellen Degenerate, she's on stage dancing with white pants on, It's d*ck was just a flop'pin. You can find the video on YouTube. The Video is not fake, but the Obama's are. Barrack Obama (Not even his name) is going to be hung for Treason against the United States. The kids will be sent back to their rightful parents, and that Tranny=Transvestite will be thrown in Gitmo for the rest of it's life. You say calling a Transvestite a Tranny is hate speech. What would you call it then?

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