Gary Stephen 's Album: Wall Photos

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The time has come to end this charade! America needs to go back to work! 25 States have a cumulative (all 25 States combined) coronavirus death toll of 986! America’s total covid-19 death rate, as and against the total population is 0.00008384 percent! That’s Zero Percent! That includes New York’s undocumented add on of 3780 (suspected but no autopsy). Every single year, America averages 56,000 influenza deaths! The current death total is half of that average. Only two states, NY and NJ, have more coronavirus deaths than their totals for the 2018 flu season. NY by 2305 if you don’t count the undocumented add, and 1340 for NJ. The remaining 23 states’ coronavirus deaths are all the under the 2018 baseline. Illinois had 2564 flu deaths in 2018 compared to 868 to covid-19. Illinois’ percentage of death as and against the population for the two years is the difference between.0002 in 2018 and .00006 this year! They are both ZERO! The other 22 States tell similar stories!
17 million plus are now unemployed. If you’re sitting at home receiving a government paycheck, God Bless You, but most don’t have that luxury. Clearly, using any other past flu season as a comparison reveals that this has been one of the least deadly viruses of all time. Those of us that want to reopen America are not morally tainted. We all value human life. Many of us have already had coronavirus. It is not a death sentence for most. The high risk Americans should do what they need to do, but the rest of us need to start America’s rebuild. Michigan has lead the way. We need to follow their example! GOD BLESS AMERICA!

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