Gary Stephen 's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 138 of 2,751 in Wall Photos

The next time that the left hurls accusations that President Trump is Hitler and that his supporters are Nazis, the accuser needs an I.Q. Test followed by a Polygraph!
Hitler was a godless socialist! He made nice with Japan and Italy, even though he deemed them inferior and planned to conquer them, had he won WW 2. His rise to power was bolstered by his willingness to destroy his political enemies. He was aided in part by his penchant to use violence in advancing his political objectives and to recruit party members who were willing to do the same. He blamed the Jews for the German Economy. His Anti-Semitic Propaganda led to an organized and systematic extermination of approximately 7 million Jews.
Trump is friend of Israel! The Democratic Party is Socialist! Trump is a Christian! Trump is a Capitalist! Get your facts straight liberals! Liars and useful idiots that parrot the lies, are being called out. You have underestimated your opponents! You’re the crazy ones, not us!

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