Gary Stephen 's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 361 of 2,751 in Wall Photos

Socialism takes away, in the end, a man’s soul. If you are buying into the Socialist Democrat’s plan to make America into a socialist country, you need to know that the real Americans will stand up for this Great Republic against all enemies, foreign and domestic. We are bigger, stronger and smarter than you are! We will not let you pervert our Constitution, our faith, our heritage and our way of life. The true Patriots, when sufficiently provoked, will constitute the largest armed militia in the world.

No one wants to see anyone get hurt, but we will not stand idly by and watch America fade into oblivion. I suggest that anyone that thinks that socialism is avant-garde needs to study Karl Marx, Leninism, Stalinism, The Rise Of Adolf Hitler, Atlas Shrugged and Animal Farm. They all become oppressive dictatorships. Wake up fast because we will not become your comrades!