Kay Sellati's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 2,139 of 3,670 in Wall Photos

The German Boy & Girl Scouts mirrored ours & the Nazi Socialist seen the perfect vehicle they could use to create a Build Back Better Socialist Society with their centrally ran Federal Education System. They'll just brainwash them from Grade 1 on. Now because Hitler needed a population to fight Wars, the German's stuck with the historic two sexes instead of 56 & encourage a Family Life.
In 1922 they took the good parts of Scouting like National Pride, Physical Fitness, Clean Living & Comradery & perverted the rest of it with complete cooperation of Academia to where they even excepted America's Eugenics Program.. They didn't have any Black Germans, so they just castrated & killed the crippled & mentally challenged. Of course if you made the wrong enemies, you went from Normal & Law Abiding to Bat Crap Crazy & a Criminal with the stroke of a pen.. You know, like our DOJ & FBI just did to America's best Organized Crime Buster Rudy Giuliani...
Now with Our Constitution it would take longer to build America Back Better to Socialism as Biden says in his mumblings. Well after 58 years Our Socialist Ran Academia has proven to be a total train wreak & failure & parents are finally getting their heads out of their asses when their Children were put under face mask & lockdown abuse over a Flu that they don't transfer & has a 99.987% survival rate & they got little children living in Fear afraid to breath the air.
Now they're proposing Forced Vaccinations to return to schools next Fall to Corporate America making a vaccination mandatory to keep your job..
President Eisenhower's 1954 Teacher Loyalty Oath was suppose to fix all this banning any Socialist Nazi Fascist or Communist from being a teacher but, they just lied, it was seldom enforced & they faced no penalty as you see happening with Congress & every minute of MSM News today..

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