Kay Sellati's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 192 of 3,680 in Wall Photos

While campaigning in Cottage Grove Saturday and speaking with voters at the Cottage Grove Post Office I received the support of almost fifty people to place my statement in the voters pamphlet in November. I also encountered one very nasty partisan Democrat who complained to the postmaster about me being there. He came out and told me that I could not talk to people in THEIR parking lot. He told me that I had to leave. Shortly after the post office closed at noon... NOT ONE, BUT THREE COP CARS rolled into the parking lot. Someone had falsely reported a protestor was harrasing customers in the parking lot.( THAT WAS ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE). I was on government property exercising my right of political free speech...If you cant do that on government property anymore than just where are you supposed to be able to exercise your first amendment rights ??? In just a lttle over two hours I had gathered almost fifty signatures, but I encountered one angry partisan democrat hack filled with hatred for Republicans and obsessed with Trump Derangement Syndrome. When the cops came I handed each police officer my card and asked them to vote for me in November. We all had a good laugh at the expense of this guy. Just what kind of country does he think he is living in today? I'm not sure I would like to know.

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