Kay Sellati's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 229 of 3,681 in Wall Photos

Robert Brooks shared a post.
THIS why the Mueller investigation keeps going and going, even though it's left the rails and headed in directions that have ZERO to do with Russia Collusion.
There are many people, including Rosenstein, that committed crimes that they felt would never see the light of day because they had NO DOUBT that Hillary would be spending 8 years in the White House after Obama. And, by the time SHE was out, the statute of limitations on their crimes would have passed.
SURPRISE! Trump's in the White House and they ALL are looking at facing YEARS in PRISON! Their very FREEDOM is dependent on getting Trump out of office... THIS whole fiasco with the Democratic Party, the DOJ, the State Department, and the FBI, is NOT about Party Ideology... The reason it's so crazy and out of control is that THESE PEOPLE ARE SCRAMBLING AND DOING ANYTHING THEY CAN TO STAY OUT OF PRISON!

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