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Thieves Of History Try But They Can’t Destroy It All
Posted on April 6, 2018
by Al Benson Jr.

Member, Board of Directors, Confederate Society of America

Well, I just read this week about how some of the “Thieves of History” somewhere out on the Left Coast, now want a statue of President William McKinley to be taken down. I don’t recall exactly what their problem with McKinley was, but whatever it was, they probably did not know that he had been a Brevet Major in the Union Army during the War of Northern Aggression. The thought occurred to me that the Yankee/Marxist revolution in this country is now starting to “eat its own”–something that has inevitably happened in all Leftist revolutions, from the French Revolution to the Russian Revolution and beyond. Stalin’s purges in modern times are a great example. So much for the “peace, love and tranquility” promised us by the political and theological Left. They can’t even get along with their own.

I wonder if any in Yankeeland will mourn the departure of President McKinley should his statue be removed? Will any up there protest this? Will some of them look South and expect us to help them preserve McKinley, or Lincoln or whoever, in the name of “patriotism?” If so, we can always ask them where they were when Lee, Jackson, Jeff Davis, and Beauregard were being taken down here in the South.

In fact, today, you might be accurate if you observed that groups like Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and a host of others today are little more than the modern equivalent of the Yankee/Marxist “reconstruction”troops stationed in the South after the shooting part (not the cultural part) of the War was over. I have often stated that “reconstruction is ongoing today” and their willing presence as they have sought to tear down and destroy our Southern monuments only bears this out. They are part and parcel of the current phase of “reconstruction.” And while they might not officially be “military troops” there are those in control in the Deep State that finance their depredations.

The first phase of “reconstruction” was the occupation by Yankee troops after the War, but they realized they were not about to change the minds of those they had lately fought against, so at that point, along came the Yankee school teachers and their new and revised curriculums, designed to make Southern kids feel guilty about who they and their ancestors really were. That phase is continuing even unto this day, with the public school educrats trying to construct even larger “stools of everlasting repentance” so more and more Southern kids can sit on them and reflect on the “evils” of secession and independence.

But we are finally, thank the Lord, beginning to see a bit of a backlash. New Confederate monuments, although smaller in scale, are beginning to go up–on private property, and big Confederate flags are going up in prominent places near major highways in the South–also on private property. No more putting our monuments and memorials up on Deep State turf! That’s a recipe for disaster!

And our history and heritage are being celebrated, even if the Fake News Media purposely forgets to mention it.

This is April, Confederate History Month! I’ve just read articles about a town in Georgia where the town council recognized Confederate History Month and I read about a county up in Kentucky that has done the same thing. Also received the following just yesterday–With a unanimous vote, the Union Parish Police Jury has just proclaimed April as Confederate History Month! God Save the South! This last one is in north Louisiana. And the SCV folks in Louisiana, in March, sponsored several caravan flag rallies where vehicles with Confederate flags drove back and forth across the state on major highways. You’d be surprised how many folks out on the road see that sort of thing on a Saturday afternoon. And here in Louisiana the response to that kind of thing by the pubic has been overwhelmingly positive. And in north Louisiana other events will follow later this month.

I have no doubt whatever that our modern Yankee/Marxist “reconstructionists” will continue to press their assault on our culture, history and heritage all across the South, but at least they are beginning to realize that they won’t have it all their own way and that they are not going to win some of the skirmishes they get into with us. And as this struggle continues, more Southern folks wake up and realize what is going on.

As for learning what you can do to help, get a copy of Ron Kennedy’s recent book Dixie Rising–Rules for Rebels (Shotwell Publishing, Columbia, South Carolina). And don’t forget to celebrate Confederate History Month this month. Get a Confederate flag of some kind and run it up your flagpole. Give your politically correct neighbors something to choke on!

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