Here's The #SHORT #List Of Every Single Time Obama Committed An #ImpeachableOffense That Dems & Media Are Covering-up
Liberals all around the country are freaking out right now about President Donald Trump. They truly believe that he will be impeached. They are losing it more and more every day. They need to understand that he has done nothing of significance wrong.
We need to try to act like adults in this situation, just to make the liberals look that much more ridiculous.
If they think President Trump has done things to be impeached, then boy, what will they say when they see the list of things Obama did wrong. There is currently a list going around that has all of Obama’s impeachable actions on it.
Here is the #SHORT #list:
(There is more than this, this is just the abbreviated version)
Obama’s Iran nuke deal
Obama knew about Hillary’s private email server
Obama IRS targets conservatives
Obama’s DOJ spies on AP reporters
Obamacare & Obama’s false promises
Illegal-alien amnesty by executive order
Operation Fast & Furious
5 Taliban leaders for Bergdahl
Extortion 17
‘Recess ‘ appointments – when Senate was in session
Appointment of ‘czars’ without Senate approval
Suing Arizona for enforcing federal law
Refusal to defend Defense of Marriage Act
Illegally conducting war against Libya
NSA: Spying on Americans
Muslim Brotherhood ties
Miriam Carey
Birth certificate
Executive orders
Solyndra and the lost $535 million
Cap & Trade: When in doubt, bypass Congress
Refusal to prosecute New Black Panthers
Obama’s U.S. citizen ‘hit list’
These actions taken by former President Barack Obama are far worse than anything Donald Trump has done or will ever do. But the liberals will never see that as for them, Obama was the perfect president. We are starting to see what a truly horrible man Obama really was. All of these things on this list are grounds for impeachment. Some of them are even grounds for criminal charges. He deserves to go to prison for his actions.
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