Rob Raskin's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 626 of 1,541 in Wall Photos

Rob Raskin We went to Outback last night for dinner. Can't wait inside the restaurant. Seating closed outside the restaurant. Can stand and wait in 100 degrees, or can sit in the car running with the gas on.

What virus has EVER survived in 100 degrees in the first place? In Europe, no masks, no distancing, no lock down. In Singapore, 20 million population, 10 deaths. In Taiwan, 20 million population, 10 deaths. In Japan 121 million population, elderly, 865 deaths. No mask requirement, distancing, or lock down in any of these countries.

Here in blue state America, the concern over catching this virus - IN 100 DEGREE HEAT NO LESS - is SO CONCERNING that people have to SIT IN THEIR CARS to stay isolated from the rest. And God-Forbid that you do catch it, you have a 1 tenth of 1 percent chance of not recovering. But on the bright side, that means that you DO have a 99.9% percent of RECOVERING.

And here's Fauci, the one who is DRIVING THE MADNESS, just back from China, NOT WEARING A MASK. ANYONE WHO THINKS THIS "DEMDEMIC" (Plandemic + Scamdemic) is a real, natural, dangerous event, is a MORON, plain and simple.