Robert Smiith's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 5,631 of 16,753 in Wall Photos

Hello Patriots!

My name is James P. Bradley running for US Congress in the 33rd District CA draining the swamp taking on "Ted Lieu the Troll."

I ran in the last US Senate race against Dianne Feinstein and came out 3rd over all in a line up of 32 candidates. The top Republican in that race. My plan was to wait until 2022 to run again Kamala Harris but I couldn't turn a blind eye to the hyper partisan discourse that is pushing California deeper into communism.

I am a USCG Veteran that served under President Reagan and I have watched the erosion of our American values of the past decade with the Democrat Socialist destroying our state and great nation.

No More! Enough is Enough. It's time for all those that care about upholding our Judeo Christian values and Constitution to join the fight.

I welcome each and everyone of you patriots to reach out to me and let's take back what is ours and our children's.

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