dean r white's Album: LIBTARD trigger vehicle

my daily driver "LIBTARD trigger" vehicle and it does its job , l either get thumbs up or the finger and either one makes me SMILE , because the thumbs up is great but the finger is even better because l know there is a LIBTARD head exploding and l know its pissing them right off

Photo 48 of 57 in LIBTARD trigger vehicle

A plane has five
passengers on board:
Donald Trump, a Pastor,
Dr. Anthony Fauci,
Nancy Pelosi, and a
ten year old school girl.
The plane is about to crash and there are only four parachutes.

Dr Fauci, said “I need one,
I have to help develop a cure
for the global health crisis
that is COVID19!”
He straps on a parachute
and jumps.

The Pastor said “I need one,
I have to help spiritually guide people through the global health crisisthat is COVID19!”
He takes one and jumps.

Pelosi said ‘‘I need one, I’m the smartest woman in the United States.” She takes one and jumps.

President Trump pauses for a moment and then turns to the 10-year-old. After a deep sigh, he says tenderly, "You can have the last parachute. I've lived my life,
yours is only starting".

The child replies,
"Don’t worry, there are
two parachutes left.
The smartest woman in
the United States took
my school backpack.

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