Bobby Cruce's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 92 of 143 in Wall Photos

Today is the last day of 2018. I look forward to 2019.

Lord Jesus, I come to you in this brand new year with a desire to move forward, not backward. Last year will soon be gone and with it all the foolish mistakes I made. I’m eager to put the past behind and to press on toward the mark of knowing you, loving you, serving you, and making Your name known in this coming year.

My life is Yours; my relationships belong to You; everything I have is Yours, Jesus. Set my feet on the right path this year, and grant wisdom so I can make right choices that will honor You.

My relationship with You doesn’t depend on my performance but upon Your presence in my life. I will make mistakes. But I don’t have to be perfect! You’ve already made me acceptable in Your sight because of Your death and resurrection. You covered my past, present, and future. You have given me everything I could possibly need for the coming year. In You, I am complete, Lord.

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