Tim Williams's Album: Wall Photos

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Well here it comes....

Read it all!!!!

Biden controversy and the call to make the Biden's testify under oath!

Here in lies a timeline of Hunter Biden's involvement with the UKRAINIAN energy company Burisma ....

In April 2014 Hunter Biden is engaged and part of Burisma a company accused of corruption by British Authorities.
Hunter Biden is paid $50,000 a month for his "services!"

The same month...of April 2014 British government agencies sieze the bank account of the owner UKRAINIAN Oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky.

Both the state department and the White House spokesmen claimed no concern whatsoever about Hunter Biden's involvement with Burisma being that he is a "PRIVATE CITIZEN"....

IN MAY (2014) the following month....a reporter asked Jim Carney White House press secretary for the Obama administration that "With Hunter Biden in the largest oil and gas holding company in Ukraine while his father (Joe Biden) is the U.S. vice president ...is there any concern about the slightest appearance of a conflict with Hunter being the Vice President's (U.S.)son?"

Jim Carney (WH press secretary) : "I would refer you to the Vice President's office to address that question."

***Deferring to even address the issue of impropriety!!!! ****

The following November 2014 .... BIDEN had a public relations campaign push to defer bad press and Burisma teams up with USAID (United States Agency International Development) M.E.R.P. Municipal Energy Reform Project.

Which had shown ties to Soviet markets for killing energy in the U.S. while Russia and the UKRAINIAN oil fields and oil fields in the Black Sea were producing large amounts of oil and gas...and Russia became one of the largest fracking Gas producing entities as prices in the U.S. skyrocketed at those times driving prices up even here in the U.S.!

Sound familiar?

Obama said " as president.... energy prices are going to necessarily go up!"

Which he said on video while interviewed !

His exact words:

In January 2008 when he was running for President, then-Senator Obama, said, “[E]lectricity rates would necessarily skyrocket…. [W]hatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to retrofit their operations. That will cost money. They will pass that money onto consumers.”

Even the Washington Post article of October 22, 2012 ran with it!

Even Democrats on the hill at the time were skeptic of his popularity for the call to cause higher electric bills and energy cost!

It even fueled other Democrats running against him in the first debates...and only due to pressure from other key top DEMOCRATS that no one wanted to run against him in 2012!

By January 2015... Ukrainian officials refused to Cooperate with British officials and Investigating probe into the allegations of corruption within Burisma....the British unreluctantly unfreezed Zlochevsky's account. But it's still lingering in the air of corruption and by ...

*September 2015 ...U.S. ambassador to Ukraine attacks Burisma and Zlochevsky and calls for another Investigation....!!!!*

By December 8, 2015 former VP Joe Biden himself criticized Ukrainian corruption and corruption within it's Government but this time...it's not a Burisma or Zlochevsky!

It's targeted at the ukrainian prosecuting General!!!
The next day...the New York Times runs a piece tying Hunter Biden to the ukrainian Oligarch!! (December 9, 2015)

New York Times : "The involvement of the Vice President's son (Hunter Biden) with Mr. Zlochevsky's firm undermined the Obama administration's anticorruption message in Ukraine."

February 2, 2016 according to Ukrainian News Agency Interfax-Ukraine the court and Ukrainian Prosecuting General had siezed Property of Ex-Minister Zlochevsky in Ukraine.

*The article cited criminal offenses including CORRUPTION with Zlochevsky being accused!!!*

February 24,2016 consulting firm BlueStar Strategies emplying former Clinton officials hired by Burisma immediately request a meeting with the state department of the United States! Specifically the state department undersecretary!

An email found showed that "Per our conversation, Karen Tramontano of BlueStar Strategies requested a meeting to discuss US/Novelli USG remarks alleging Burisma of corruption. She noted that two high profile U.S. citizens are affiliated with the company (including Hunter Biden as a board member). Tramontano would like to talk with US/Novelli about getting a better understanding of how the U.S. came to the determination that the company is corrupt.
According to Tramontano, there is no evidence of corruption, has been no hearing or process, and evidence to the contrary has not been considered. Would appreciate any background you may be able to provide on this issue and suggested TP's for US/Novelli meeting.


Best Regards, ....

Because the consultants wanted to convince Obama there was no corruption and that Burisma and had not committed any crime and to make Washington look at them with a different view!

March of 2016...Former Vice President Joe Biden THREATENED to hold back a billion dollars in aid (and loan guarantees) if the ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko didn't fire Ukrainian INVESTIGATOR (General Prosecutor) Viktor Shokin !

Biden in reverse tactic accused Viktor Shokin of corruption based on nothing proven but a turn of pointing fingers to turn the eye on Shokin!

In a video

Biden Recalled his memory of it...

 In a later recollection, Biden said, "I looked at them and said, 'I'm leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you're not getting the money.' [...] He got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time." Shokin was dismissed by The Ukrainian Parliament in late March 2016.

In a sworn affidavit dated 4 September 2019 for a European court, Shokin testified that "On several occasions President Poroshenko asked me to have a look at the criminal case against Burisma and consider the possibility of winding down the investigative actions in respect of this company, but I refused to close this investigation."

Democrats suggest in the U.S. that Shokin wrote the affidavit in support of Ukrainian oligarch Dmytro Firtash. John Herbst, the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine during the George W. Bush administration, said that Shokin's support of Firtash, who had been arrested for bribery in 2014, undercuts Shokin's claims to be motivated by transparency. "Firtash is arguably the most odious, or one of the most odious oligarchs in Ukraine," according to Herbst.

Bloomberg News has ties to many contacts and has tried to spin that Viktor Shokin was not truly Investigating the company Burisma and that the INVESTIGATION stalled under his watch as Prosecuting General and that all the incedences happened before Hunter Biden's involvement!

Yet British intelligence shows it was happening while Hunter was with the company or why else would Joe Biden need to put pressure under it to have it being investigated to go away!

Also what ties to former Clinton employees???

Again...another Clinton scandal???

And with all of the accusations flung at Viktor Shokin....how is it...his lifestyle had not improved with assets and money and living status and benefits which almost always appears with the corruption tie..as it did with Hunter Biden??? And top key ukrainian officials that sided with the Biden's???

Smells fishy!

Then...to add fuel to this fire.... Democrats are tossing subpoenas for all kinds of witnesses but there are many that want it to go to a judge..and DEMOCRATS are fighting to keep it....they lost many arguments....and now with the new partisan rules...Schiff can't be called to TESTIFY!

Why? And why does the new rules means Schiff can veto any one he and Democrats feel are harmful...he can veto any questioning and who REPUBLICANS can cross examine or call for witnesses!

And George Kent claims impropriety but he was never a first hand witness to any of it..yet is being subpoenaed as a first hand witness yet Kent suggested impropriety with the Biden's and the Burisma corruption!!!

Now the house Democrats are using the media to claim it's all a hoax to claim there was any Investigations into Burisma or and Corruption...and they as house Democrats have the rule to who can be SUBPOENAED to the house hearings and until the third round...no one in the White House is allowed defending counsel!

Smdh....this is absolutely proof of Democrats corruption to sway it to a "do you beat your wife often yes or no!" Styled hearing!!!

It's absolutely outrageous...


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