Andrew Boyd's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 264 of 835 in Wall Photos

Once enemies, the Palestinian Sunni Islamic terror organization Hamas and the Shi'ite Islamic terrorist militia Hezbollah are joining forces, along with other "resistance groups" to destroy the Biblical Jewish Homeland due to President Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital!

“We support the call for a new Palestinian intifada [uprising] and escalating the resistance,” said Hezbollah's leader Hassan Nasrallah.

Hezbollah sits at Israel's northern border with approximately 10,000 active soldiers, nearly 50,000 rockets, and a bank account funded by its illegal drug trade and by Iran.

Also on Israel's northern border is Syria, which has formed the "Axis of Resistance" movement along with Hezbollah and Iran.

With the recent decline of ISIS and the winding down of the war in Syria, radicalized Islamic fighters throughout the Middle East NOW have a renewed Jihad (holy war mandate) to defend the third most Holiest Place in Islam: the Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

All of the Islamic armies are discussing how to wipe out their common enemy: the Jewish people in Jerusalem and Israel!

Our ministry staff and families here in Israel, along with the rest of the 6.4 million Jews who live here need to know that you are Standing with us.

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