Blogs » Politics » Today's our 1 month Anniversary!

Today's our 1 month Anniversary!

  • That's right, we're only up 1 month today and we're already being noticed in a BIG WAY as over 1,000 Patriots have joined us in celebrating love of Country with no concern for being ostracized for our Patriotic, Conservative Beliefs!

    Our Android App is in the play store, so just type in proamericaonly and download the App. There are no ads, there's no cost, there's no strings. It just makes it easier to get the site!

    The iPhone App should be approved any day now. As soon as it's in the Apple Playstore, I will let you all know!

    I think the timing was perfect to build this site because more and more often now I see fellow Patriots being jailed, banned and blocked for making Pro-America posts!

    When you get a chance, remember to click on "Your State" and check out whose running for office on November 6th. We need to attract more Patriots and we need to organize in each state to make the biggest possible impact!

    As we get closer, we'll also want to be out there at the precincts with our cell phones shooting video of obvious voter fraud so what happened in Alabama with a bus of "voters" from Mississippi does NOT happen in key states in November.

    To promote our site, paste this link into your posts. I did an interview with Joe Newby from Conservative Firing Line and wrote the article!

    I will be doing more interviews as we become more popular!

    Here's the link, and remember, where there's UNITY, there's STRENGTH!

    Posting this link gives us credibility because it's a legitimate 3rd party interview!

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