• Robert Smiith
    #Fauci Says #BlackPeople Should Trust #COVID #Vaccine Because an #AfricanAmerican Woman Helped Make It
    Fauci Says Black People Should Trust COVID Vaccine Because an Af
    • don treg and 1 other reacted on this.
    • Robert Smiith
      don treg This idiot and supposed expert has only shown us that an expert without any sense is just a person that thinks they know everything. How in the hell did this bumbling idiot stay in a federal job for 40 years!? Trump is really showing us just how corrupt...  more
  • Robert Smiith
    #BlackLeaders ‘concerned’ the guy who called an #ExaltedCyclops a #FriendandMentor isn’t appointing more #BlackPeople to his admin
    • Viki Turngren reacted on this.
    • Robert Smiith
      Viki Turngren This mf is a total waste of air.
  • Robert Smiith
    #MarylandTeacher under fire for controversial #HomeworkAssignment about #BlackPeople killed by #police: 'Say their name'
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