Texas LEAVING The Union?! Lawmakers Drafting Documents To SECEDE As Socialism Grows In America
well looks like I'm moving to Texas
First Texas needs to do it and then Florida needs to follow their footstep
I'm not advocating secession, because I'd rather see the US recover and return to being a beacon of freedom in the world (especially for all US citizens). However, I'd also rather the country split if it prevents bloodshed. If the country splits into red (with TX and FL plus most of the south and central states), we need to make sure we also get San Diego. They're reasonable, and this new country would need a Pacific port. Maybe AK too.
I understand your views, but with the New World Order, Chinese bought off government coming in, WE ARE NOT GOING TO HAVE ANY RECOVERY! The WHOLE government, except for Trump, needs to be arrested for high treason, for certifying fraudulent votes!
How is San Diego “reasonable”
They are by far the reddest large city in CA, with a large military presence (and lots of defense companies).
Go for it TEXAS, the brexit way and many states will follow!!
fun fact consider whats going to happen when texas takes its gold with it
Okay let's say we do secede. Which I am leaning toward SERIOUSLY. Do we outlaw the LEFT as a party . We need to think about this. They are doing this to US and I mean they are doing it RIGHT NOW. I mean unless you take the Necessary steps to PREVENT the problem then leaving is just kicking the can down the road.... AGAIN. So why bother. I know it sounds defeatist but these things can't be ignored. MARXISM should be illegal if you ask me
Out law the left is a reasonable action however I think the better way to respond to this is educating the people what marxism, socialism and liberalism is. Pass a law where both side of the aisle is presented equally and let the people decide what they want. If an individual love their freedom then there is only one choice. Marxism is presented as a solution for equality without really showing what it is. To truly destroy it then let us show the people what it is without forcing them to accept something they will perceive as an ideology. Let present facts with comparison of what a communist state is and how it will affect an individual life. This is critical especially to the mind of the youth of this country that are currently being brain wash.
My husband explained it in a nutshell to my son: If you work hard for your money, and your friend didn't work at all, but the government says you must give more than half of your money to your friend, even though he decided not to work, would you like that? My son could see right away that this wasn't fair or economical, for soon, NO ONE would have an incentive to work; if they were not rewarded for their merits. For people who need help occasionally, we have charitable organizations, churches, as well do that, but their needs to be a greater scrutiny on these places as well. Foundations have been used by these depraved individuals, and criminal organizations that harm children, instead of helping them. We need MORALITY, we need GOD to regulate these places. The politicians know better. They use kronie capitalism for themselves, but they want SOCIALISM for us, because they can control a people WITHOUT rights! This is what the Left is all about, really. The Right is the same. They're just a little more sneaked about it. This is why they usually go along with the left, eventually. Just like agreeing to certify the fraudulent presidential votes! They consider themselves a "better" ruling class than the "peasants" whose money they steal in taxes! The "New World Order" is all about their "ruling class" being our MASTERS, and US being their SLAVES! This is why they all stick together, AGAINST THE PEOPLE! They're sending BILLION$ to other countries, not because they care about those countries, but THEY (both Dems & Repubs) are getting MILLION$ back in KICKBACKS from our tax money!!! I believe that Trump is going to have Biden and all the rest of the criminals arrested on "inauguration day."
I hope so
If Trump cannot turn this around by Jan 25th, all of the red states should start working on doing the same, we can form a better union without states like California and New York. In fact, let us build a fence on their borders too.
I agree with your comment, we freedom loving individuals don't need the communistic states like California, New York and the likes to destroy our life. As patriots we tried to expose the fraud election result by using the legal system but to the dismay of the 74 million plus who voted for President Trump the jurisdiction system whos suppose to upheld the law just turned a blind eye to the proof being presented and was even further made worst by the corrupted majority democrats in the house and even expose the turn coats who rode all along during the good days with President Trump and even have use his endorsement to fool the voters to get them in office and then abandoned him just like nothing happened when he needed their support. Shame on this cowards!
Yes! And let's offer Alberta, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories and Yukon territory to join us. I know there are already secession movements in some of those provinces and they tend to be right-wing and dislike their leftist government. Just imagine, our country would reach from Alaska down through those Canadian provinces and through much of the current US down to Texas and Florida in a single unbroken stretch. Let's do it! We will never convince the leftists to give up socialism and authoritarianism, and we will never accept living under their rule, so let's demand to separate. Our ideologies are diametrically opposed and not compatible with one another.
We need a warm-water Pacific port, so if not British Columbia then San Diego will do. They're the most conservative city in CA with lots of military (which we wouldn't want CA to give to the CCP).
Texas has quite a few bases, but we really need to start getting our military together. California and New York are going to have plenty of Chinese troops, and they've been stealing, or buying from traitors like Hillary and Biden for years!!! They're sending BILLION$ to other countries, not because they care about those countries, but THEY (both Dems & Repubs) are getting MILLION$ back in KICKBACKS from our tax money!!!
Here in Texas we have Fort Hood, the largest USAR base in the world and the US military's combined medical training hospital in San Antonio.
it should have never came to this
all those red states that are being infested with dems moving from the cities should do this.
If only that were possible. Decentralization is the key, but dont all states have to approve for another to secede? Will never happen But start locally. Empower sherrifs that ignore governor mandates and legislation. Power at the top is always corrupt, but local power can be salvaged
Seceding is inherently an act of defiance. If Texas votes to secede then they've seceded regardless of whether or not it's legal federally.
pretty sure texas retained its authority to do so if it feels like it.
Yes, you are right.
They don't need approval of other states, they merely need a majority voting for it in the actual state.
As I read it, any State may secede. The trick is in the details: how to move forward without Federal subsidies on infrastructure and schools; how to maintain funding for retirees from SSA; what monetary system to use and how; how to deal with political parties and conduct elections; etc. It wouldn't be easy, but if the ties to the Fed are handled correctly - it can work :)
It takes work to form a new nation, but when the alternative is living under tyranny it's an easy choice to make.
They're sending BILLION$ to other countries, not because they care about those countries, but THEY (both Dems & Repubs) are getting MILLION$ back in KICKBACKS from our tax money!!! The only state in the Union that I know of that does NOT need permission from the other states to secede, is Texas, because was it was written into the agreement, before Texas joined the union.
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Apparently Texas was a Republic and only joined as long as United States upheld the constitution . Which SCOTUS refused to do. And Pennsylvania, along with 6 other states ,made illegal laws for elections and didn't uphold their own laws, or state constitutions. so Texas has a case.
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As a Texas resident, we need more patriots here - if you are moving here to escape the liberal hell, then be sure you come to support, not fight the reason you're moving here. Much appreciated.
To support my fellow Texan, we welcome anyone who loves freedom. Who prioritize God, family and country. We will defend our Bill of Rights. We want anyone who have the same priorities. We don't want anyone who are the opposite of what I just describe. We will die defending our state against those who will try to destroy this ideas.
Good idea. I think the people who are allowed to enter Texas should be questioned about their political history before coming here, and we need to get rid of the socialist school teachers and their soviet styled unions! Otherwise, we'll have the same thing as California here soon. Liberalism is THE CANCER OF SOCIALISM!
Good idea, red states leave and see if we can get more areas of the world to join, maybe form a much larger union?
Yes, let's get western Canadian provinces to join us. They are right-wing and they hate their leftist government. Plus, there are already secession movements in Alberta and, I believe, Saskatchewan. I would love helping our freedom loving brothers and sisters to the north. We would form a mighty new country together. And it could possibly stretch all the way to Alaska.
Only trade with RED countries...?
your not on ScrewTube and they arent gonna demonitize a common sense discussion on Rumble glad gour cross posting i already saw this on ScrewTube but watched again here to support this effirt to get off Screwtube agan thank you
Patriots, do NOT go to your state capitols now through Jan 20th. It's a trap! Please, just don't go.
I agree with Rambette, patriots please listen to his advise and if you have not heard President Trump, he is giving us the same advise. Going to the state capital will only give the communist more reason to use this as an excuse to trample our freedom. My advise is stay with your family and pray that we will have God to help us in defeating this through a peaceful means and avoid the blood shed. God bless you all!
True. It is Antifa/BLM in maga wear
God Bless Texas! xo
Oklahomans want in
CA conservatives want in.
I hope Tennessee joins in the exodus.
TEXAS WAIT! The fat lady hasn't sung yet. Someone said very forcefully that America will NEVER be allowed to become a socialist country.
That's the miracle we need God to do. Again I believe He is in control and He has a plan.
We know this. God will not let it happen either. Most people in Texas believe in God. We need to scrub out Austin though. Parasites gathering and destroying our children with socialist teachers and their unions. They MUST be cleaned out!
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IHAD. We are praying for this. It’s a long shot getting longer. Seeing some action at last would be nice. So far disappointment and the swamp creatures suck and slither into their holes Hide only to resurface and bite us on the ass and slither away. The trap needs to be sprung and cut their heads off. Or this will never be over.
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SO HAPPY to see you sharing your content on the free speech platforms! I missed you when I had to give up ScrewTube!
Old Jack Dorsey and Suck a Burger have lost around $52 BILLION, so far...don't know about ScrewTube yet. Fakebook begged me to come back a year ago. No way, to be caged like an unusual monkey on their conservative "Tavern" site? The arrogance is normal for them. Incredible because none of them have anything to be arrogant or superior about, other than the fact that they HAVE NO CONSCIENCE OR MORALITY! Infiltrated and Bought off by China EVERYONE of them!
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People want a government that works for them, not for every other country. They have their own governments that collect taxes from their own citizens. Why do we need to pay for them?
We're not really. What's REALLY happening, is that our "representatives" write a bill, pass it unanimously to send BILLION$ to other countries, not because they care about those countries, but THEY (both Dems & Repubs) are getting MILLION$ back in KICKBACKS from our tax money!!! That's what is REALLY going on. This is why you've heard about $600 for a toilet lid! It's KICKBACK, GRAFTER money!!! They like the respect of being lawmakers, but THEY don't abide by them! They're are thieves, liars and most of all crooked CRIMINALS!!! This includes the FAKE NEWS!
go Texas go. God Speed
I may have to move to Texas God bless Texas
As a Texan I will support that we leave the union that is run by corrupted and un-patriot Americans. We have Rino's and socialist in our state but we know who they are and we will vote them out of office. I would think that a lot of Texans just want their independence and limited government and we don't need to be dictated. Furthermore we take our Bill of Rights seriously!
Lmfao "joe biden's handlers". I caught that. Nice!
God Bless Texas
Amen to that!
I may have to move to Texas. If this is true, it would be fantastic! Just have to keep those California Libs out :)
I say, "Welcome to Republic of Texas where we recognize God, family and freedom! Anyone whose against it stay out!"
you need to ditch the commietube and be a patriot and come upload to rumble more often.. as you said ...Get out of dodge
Ivanpomy I am moving my favorite channels to rumble and bitchute. Unsubscribing on commietube. Will dump it when finished. Bye bye chrome google etc. need a new not Gmail email service even if I have to pay for it. Any suggestions?
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You KNOW this is going to happen because Elon already moved there.
I'd be okay with that as long as we can round up all the liberal transplants and illegals and send them to Democrat run states to live.
Well, we will make marxism/leftism illegal. We have the right to follow the original principles of this country. If they are ok living with freedom and prosperity then they can stay, but many will probably leave on their own. Leftists will be able to get more of what they want in their country and we will can finally return to the original freedom principles we were founded on.
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if we cut Detroit out. can the rest of Michigan come to
I am moving to the new Republic once states have seceded from this communist turdhole.
Me too. Hopefully my state, which is solid red when you discount the fraudulent votes, will join Texas.
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Texas . . . . . again, leading the way! Go For it!
The more conservatives move to states that count votes honestly, the more they will have members in Congress and more electoral votes for presidential elections.
Don't you get it yet? They rigged the election and we're never going to have fair elections ever again. They will get better at it, not worse. And they're doing away with the electoral college, bringing in millions of immigrants and making DC and Puerto Rico states to further guarantee they will win all elections from here on out. Government without honest representation is not legitimate. It defeats the whole purpose we create governments for in the first place: to protect our individual rights. So the only alternative at that point is to break off and form our own government and make sure not to make the same mistakes as we did this time. Which is what our founding fathers did.
Saberedge So true about them getting better at the vote counting but if they could blow it like they did and get away with it why do they need to improve they are lazy by nature. If you put all the blue together and move the red out the blue will be starving and dying and they won’t be able to fight to get any food they need handouts to survive. Hey where did all the snowflakes go? Did they Morph into antifa? Chad chaz ? If left to their own devices they won’t be able to feed themselves they will die without intervention to save them damn snowflakes
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Don't need succession, just need TRUTH (and not BigTech/MSM/Democrat lies)
Well, we're not going to get that. Don't be foolish. If we continue to share a country with leftists we will lose everything. This idea that we're somehow going to take it all back and restore America's original founding principles isn't realistic. We will be lucky to escape with our freedom intact. It's our one hope.
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Saberedge It seems impossible but a mass hanging of traders in Congress would really transform everything in the United States and it would also be a serious message to the incoming congress persons to make sure they do the will of the people.
We will vote for Texit as soon as it's ready. If I had wanted to live in a Socialist/Marxist/Communist country I would have moved to one. I damn sure dont want one moving into OUR COUNTRY.
Me either
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I guess I'm going to move to Texas
Wait. POTUS is crossing the Delaware.
That's right, and his 20,000 troops are ALREADY THERE! Fake News Blackout! Perp walks incoming...
gotta get more folks ip on rumble so they can fix some of these iser bugs
I wish all right leaning states would leave this idocrisy they have going on in Congress.
I would day, let about 46 States secede, and form a more perfect union. Without the worst america-deniers... Without an Electoral College, only four states would determine every outcome... America without about 4 socialist states would be ... more American! Let the remainers join the EU... if they would have such extremists... :-)
one of the USA's cash cows and military stronghold leaving? nancy,schumer, and pres harris will not allow it. many blm and antweefa riots incoming er ... I mean mostly peaceful protests.
If antifa and blm think that they can just ransack and destroy Texas well guess again. True Texans will not turn a blind eye and just ignore this lawlessness. God forbid they will be met with force they never expect.
Clahja If Trump doesn’t deliver and Biden gets in we will just have to see. The patriots have been watching and waiting. I am reminded of the BTO song “you ain’t seen nothing yet”.
Hivemind! did you hear the NRA filed for bankruptcy? How do we protect 2A freedom now?
NRA moving to Texas Just announced it. Relax you're safe
I heard NRA restructuring and moving to Texas. If they restructure without Wayne Lapierre I may renew my membership otherwise no!
Yes they are moving here they have over 400,000 members in Texas.
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Filed bankruptcy but moving to Texas
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this is the worst thing that could happen.
You're being a fool. Don't you see what has happened and where it is going? We will lose our freedom and possibly even our lives if we continue to try to share a country with leftists. Guaranteed. This is our only chance remaining. The alternative is to become slaves under leftist tyranny, which will ultimately transform into full blown global communism.
Division is stupid reform locally and cut the swamp of at the electoral root or fall easier to an outside force than as one.
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Pray....Wait.....and See.....
OMG, the Morlocks are leaving the Union? How will the Eloi survive?
They're sending BILLION$ to other countries, not because they care about those countries, but THEY (both Dems & Repubs) are getting MILLION$ back in KICKBACKS from our tax money!!!
How do I exchange my United Socialists States of Amerika passport for a new Republic of Texas Passport? I live safely 12 times Zones from the USA and would only live in three states in the USA, Florida (my home state) , South Dakota or TEXAS!!!
if they do im going to move to Texas
Just leave any leftist behind.
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here is a link to state Rep Kyle Biederman's website with a petition to Support Referendum for Texas Independence. https://kylebiedermann.com/
if that was true, the would get rid lee and green
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It's the dumb cities....they are looking for FREE stuff so they vote blue. It's pitiful.
Yes, that IS a big problem. Democrats have convinced them that getting free stuff without working is the best thing. Trump introduced Opportunity Zones and raked out some of the criminal gangs, so that more "normal" people could actually have a chance to work or start a small business. Then, the Dems hired ANTIFA & BLM TO DESTROY THEM!
Janared. Yes blue cities will suffer for it when it comes full circle and they get their wish. it’ll be like a Disney movie “here’s your reward” as the knife to descends But but we did what you said.... I don’t watch many movies but even the liberal Hollywood shows what happens to traitors Every time they die early by the people they helped to gain power or whatever. Having these kids watched all those movies don’t they know cause and effect
Easy said, but splitting up Debt, military, get treaties with the world, securing borders, pensions, the list goes on, Just ask Quebec, and maybe soon Alberta . Also years later, UK, who are still dealing with Brexit. God bless Texas, and hope you can get away from the Socialist freaks
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If Trumps cards aren’t played out I’m all for this. I’ve heard that FL is too. Go Texas.
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I’m with Texas👍🏼🇺🇸
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when the courts tell you that you have no legal interest in constitutional elections...
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I personally believe Texas is under attack, specifically in Counties of the major cities, DFW, Austin, Houston, San Antonio, and El Paso, AND THEIR surrounding Counties. When you get out of these counties Texas seems exactly as I am reading in these comments, however, I am currently forced to like in one of these counties and their surrounding counties, in which my daughter was discriminated and prevent from attending Pre-K because of the primary language she spoke, even though I was willing to pay for her to attend. The school is telling me this is coming form a Federal Mandate, in which they have to abide by because they are taking Federal Funds. I find this interesting because I had my same daughter attending a previous school (fall of 2020) which was outside the surrounding counties, and the school told me about this mandate, but they chose to ignore it (God bless them). But make no mistake, they are already here and the Federal Govt. is definitely pushing their agenda in our state.
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In the event that Texas does secede, it is imperative that Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida join them. Texas's location will otherwise make it very easy for the US to enforce embargos and stop any supplies going in to the state/country.
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I’m leaving NY ASAP!! I love Texas!!! Might have to trade in the wife!!! Lol
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The Federated States of America
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iowa bde fren zone empire is the future
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My family are all Texans. We would vote for succession. We would not be in rebellion because we want the CONSTITUTION and THE BILL OF RIGHTS!!!! SCREW WASHINGTON D.C.
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How is that going?
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