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Gospel Justice not Social Justice Bumper sticker that I designed

Social Justice is Not the Gospel, It’s Heresy
Until we all come to the work of Jesus alone, we will continue to see a divide growing between ethnicities. We can labor for unity within our local churches, through accountability, through church discipline—and as our local churches grow brighter with the identity of Christ Jesus rather than the cowboy church, biker church, black church, white church or any other identity—we will grow closer and closer together in Jesus. Eric Mason, Woke Church: An Urgent Call for Christians in America to Confront Racism and Injustice, (Chicago: Moody, 2018), 32. Social justice advocates are, in my humble opinion, admirably but misguidedly hoping to remake this present world into one wherein justice and righteousness are consistently observed by all. But if God’s Word is clear about anything, it is that you and I are innately unrighteous and, consequently, we are wholly incapable of consistently adhering to society’s ever-shifting standards of righteousness let alone God’s (see Rom. 3:23; Ecc. 7:20). Which is why the vision of the late Dr. James Hal Cone (1936-2018) – a man whom many regard as one of the founders of black liberation theology – that “Love should be a controlling element in power, not power itself” will continue to be a mirage in this life, because the same sin that divides us from God divides us from one another. The Bible points to the reality that our original sin is not based on skin color. It’s imputed to us through our relationship to Adam. Paul makes the case abundantly clear in Romans 5:12-14 and once again as he writes, “For as by the one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the one man’s obedience the many will be made righteous” (Rom 5:19). Nowhere do we see any connection to skin color as sinful, but instead, the guilt of Adam’s transgression is imputed to us, as David makes clear in Psalm 51:5. The gospel is that in Adam all die, but in Christ all shall be made alive (1 Cor 15:22). Paul doesn’t command Jews to repent of their Jewish identity or Jewish power in Romans 3:23, instead, he pointed them to repent of their sin of unbelief. In many ways the Jews had turned their identity into an idol, and that’s a modern pitfall for all ethnic groups to guard against. The gospel is NOT about acknowledging “white privilege” and turning from it. The gospel is NOT reparations. It is now alomost 100% polical.
The gospel is NOT about redeeming the culture.
The gospel is NOT about loving others or seeking justice.
The gospel is clearly defined by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4,
Just look at the mob violence that is happening now in the name of Social Justice and some of what Social Justice leads to:
Black Lives Matter states: We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement,
” the site declares, “by supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.” The word “fathers” is deliberately excluded, replaced by the gender-neutral “parents” despite already naming “mothers” as pillars of the family.
“Because Social Justice Perverts Justice Since our charge is to “seek justice” (Isaiah 1:17), an earnest pursuit of it exposes social justice as a hindrance to our ability to do just that
Even as there are legitimate causes lumped under the social justice umbrella, there are many that actually contradict the will of God. Again, social justice pursues the absence of inequality in society.
Not only is this never going to be achieved but, unfortunately, mankind has also found a way to pervert the meaning of “equality”.
All mankind were created equal in value to his Creator. God is no respecter of persons - He does not show favoritism but welcomes all who fear Him and seek HIS righteousness (Acts 10:34).
But mankind is not guaranteed nor promised anything in this life, except trouble and a natural death (John. 16:33; Hebrews 9:27).
Our economic, social, or political standing is NOT guaranteed. Some the Lord wills to be rich, some poor, some male, some female, some Black, some White. That’s not inequality.
That’s DIVERSITY. Should we ignore the legitimate needs of others or take advantage of, abuse or oppress one another? Absolutely not!
But is each person owed what another has for equality sake? Absolutely not!

How to end Raceism, in my opinion, Jim Taylor is to accept that you are a child of God and curb your boasting about your race or heritage and why you are. Why brag that you have somehow you are an entitled person (reparations) ) save your opinion's to cocktail parties and not in church.
the Bible directs its instructions on caring for the poor mostly to individuals. People should help others, but it should be their choice how they want to help. Rather than forced taxation to manufacture equality, helping others should be motivated by love for God and love for others.
True justice in society is not relegated to government control, but based on individuals responding to God's design for human relationships. The biggest issue with the concept of social justice is that the government fueled by the political action of the people will save society. People are deceived if they believe this. Only God can save us. Many social justice warriors say that they deserve these opportunities, and results, and society owes them.
This is contrary to the gospel which teaches that we deserve death, but instead because of God's mercy are given the opportunity of eternal life through Jesus Christ. "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23). Jesus did not come with a political agenda to bring equality to people in this world. Instead He came to save us from our sins