Sunday, September 18, 2022

It Is Not Enough To Simply Drain The Swamp

It is not enough to cut of the branches of an evil tree.  You have to uproot it and replace it with a good tree.

Likewise, you will not be able to drain the swamp from the surface of that dirty water.  You have to dive all the way down to the bottom of that mirky mire, find the drain, and unplug it and not only that, find and patch up any breaches into which the swamp water is flowing.
Once the swamp water is eliminated, only then will there be a place for pure, fresh, clean water but then there is also the task of keeping that water fresh and pure and that water is only as pure as the fountains that it springs forth from.
So, not only must the clog in the drain that is causing the swamp water to be retained be identified and removed and not only must the breaches by which the swamp water is entering be located and closed, but the fountains from which the swamp water is issuing forth must be removed and then replaced with fountains that produce the fresh water.
So what is the clog that is keeping the swamp waters retained?
What are the breaches by which the swamp waters are entering in?
And most importantly, what are the polluting fountains from which the swamp water is issuing forth?
These are important questions that we all must be asking and seeking the answers to if we ever hope to drain the swamp.  When it comes to “the swamp,” I would say that most of us who have heard the oft chanted and repeated call by the MAGA movement to “Drain The Swamp” know what that means:
It is that call for all the corrupt politicians and bureaucracies to be held accountable for their actions.  Donald Trump ran on a promise and a commitment to “Drain The Swamp” but once in office, what prevented him from being able to do so?
Was it a corrupt justice system?
Was it treacherous persons entrenched at every level of our government?
Was it all the RINOs within the GOP?
Was it the people around Trump feeding him bad advice?
Was it the ongoing political witch hunts carried out that in the end turned up nothing against him and will still turn up nothing against him; at least nothing for which any criminal charges could be brought against him or disqualify him from running for office again?
Or must we dive down even further than that to entities such as lobbying organizations and special interest groups by whom most of our governing officials, who are supposed to be acting in the best interests of the public, have been bought? Might that be the clog that needs to be removed?  And even if we identify the plug or the clog that is retaining the swamp water, and succeed in removing it, that still will be rendered meaningless if the breaches by which the swamp water is entering in are not patched up and sealed up because if those breaches are not located and sealed up.
In as much as we would like to see every RINO and anti-Christ party member voted out of office and, in as often as it is appropriate, to see them and other corrupt government officials from bottom to top charged and convicted of all criminal and treasonous offenses that they’ve committed and and in as much as we would like justice to be done on the likes of Bill Gates of Hell, George Soros, the Clintons, the Obaminations, mad doctor Fauci, Mark Zuckerturd and other Big Tech figures, and as much as we would like to see the overthrow of the CCP and their tentacles dry up in our nation as well in every place of the world that they’ve reached, and to see the downfall of all other remaining Communist regimes around the world, and to see globalist entities like the Rothchilds, Rockefellers, and Klaus Schwab get taken down, and however much we would like to see the likes of the WEF and the UN disbanded, all of that, even if it were to happen, would not be enough because there will be other corrupt and wicked persons and entities who are ready and waiting to fill the void they leave, to carry on where they left off and even build upon the precedents that they have set because those ready and waiting to take their places are entering in from somewhere.  They are being produced, molded, and shaped at lower levels somewhere and are working their way to the positions that they need to be in to be ready to fill the voids left by their predecessors and these lower levels happen to consist of regional, provincial, state, and localized places from which they arise and progress to higher positions of influence and even authority.
As contributing writer and commentator Greg Karraker for the publication, American Greatness, the politics and policies that eventually manifest themselves at the national level are formed at the local level and thus cites just a few examples of how ridiculous, intrusive, oppressive, and even dangerous policies implemented by local municipal governments can be:
Telling a local deli owner how many poppies he can plant on his patio.
Opening a homeless shelter that makes beer runs for its guests. With your tax money.
Letting local felons know it’s OK to steal up to $950 worth of Tide Pods. Every day.
Those are actual decisions made by such entities as the City of Cotati Planning Commission, the Seattle Downtown Emergency Service Center, and San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin. Across the country, there are thousands more examples that are just as egregious. [1]
He goes on to say:
Zoning gives cities much more than the power to keep gas stations from popping up on Park Avenue. Zoning lets local governments impose nearly any mandate they like. I’ve personally seen an unelected city planner tell a local deli owner that, of the dozen flowers permitted for his patio, he can only plant three California poppies. And in always-predictable Berkeley, the city council banned the installation of gas cooktops in all new houses, condos, apartments, and restaurants. Only electric cooktops, which are more than twice as expensive to use, are now legal. [2]
And furthermore:
School boards routinely allow teenage boys who identify as teenage girls to use the women’s bathroom, opening the door for heterosexual boys to commit crimes ranging from voyeurism to rape. The most famous incident happened in Loudon County, Virginia, where a father whose daughter was raped in a school bathroom was arrested for complaining about it at a school board meeting.
Defunding the police and replacing them with social workers is a tragically flawed practice. In Thayer, Illinois the problem with this approach was made clear when Deidre Silas, an investigator with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services, responded to a call of possible child endangerment and was stabbed to death.
But the worst threats come from the super-squishy district attorneys in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Philadelphia, and New York City. Their soft-on-crime policies have resulted in uncontrolled shoplifting, organized thefts on high-end retailers and railroad cars, and massive spikes in carjackings and homicides. [3]
And if any of you out there happen to live in a city, town, community, or county whose government and bureaucracy have implemented policies you deem and recognize to be ridiculous, intrusive, dangerous, oppressive, sinful, evil, and unconstitutional, then why would you ever want the same on a statewide or national scale?
If you think the COVID restrictions implemented in your local community were unreasonable, harmful, and oppressive, why would you want the same state or nationwide?
If you think the city you live in is too soft on crime, why would you want the same for the rest of your respective state, or nation?
If you think that the curriculum that your local school board is imposing upon your respective public school districts will produce a dangerous way of thinking in the minds of your children, and is a bunch of nonsense and madness, and goes against the values and belief system that you are attempting to raise them up in, why would you ever want the same to be propagated throughout every hall of academia and establishment of education?
If you think your local government, be it on a city or county level, is unethical, immoral, corrupt and crooked, why would you ever want that same leadership to progress to a higher office that could be at a regional, state, or even a national level?
Karraker has a point:  If YOU want to prevent evil, oppressive, destructive, and unconstitutional laws and policies from being implemented on a national level, put it to a stop at the local level, and if you want to see the implementation and preservation of those laws and policies that are designed to serve the best interests of the public and from which all people benefit, and which maintain the peace, prosperity, liberty, and safety of all, then you must start at the local level and that means electing leadership and representation committed to such.
If you want your local law enforcement to be tough on crime, elect tough-on crime leadership.
If you don’t want illegal immigrants being bussed into your local community, elect leadership who will be dedicated to identifying any illegal immigrants within your community and then running them out of your city, town, or county.  After all, if the current governors of Florida and Texas can bus illegals out of their states to “sanctuary” cities like Chicago, Washington D.C., New York City, and others of like mind, then why can’t your respective Mayor, County Supervisor, or even your local Sheriff do the same thing?
If you don’t want babies being murdered in your local community, then elect the most radically pro-life leadership you can find or try to have a ballot measure passed that will turn your local community into a pro-life sanctuary.  After all, if CA Governor Gavin “Loser” Newsom can turn his state into a sanctuary for illegals, then there is no reason why your local community can’t become a pro-life sanctuary.
If you want to see your Constitutional liberties preserved and protected, again, begin in your local community and turn it into a “Free speech, pro-gun, and pro-God” sanctuary.
If you want to ensure that your electoral results are fair and honest, take control of the election process at the local level.  Have the necessary reforms designed to preserve electoral integrity passed, especially if you happen to have a state legislature and governor who refuse to do so.
This is how you repair the breaches by which the swamp water is entering: Draining the swamp at the local level because when you keep the swamp drained at the local level, it will begin to empty out at the state and national levels as well but if the breaches are not repaired and sealed, the swamp water will just keep pouring in, even if you remove the clog and plug from the drain.
But the most crucial and difficult task of all is identifying the fountains from which the swamp water is pouring forth and once identified, they must be removed and then replaced with fountains out of which clean, fresh, nourishing, life-giving, and life-sustaining water comes forth.
The fountains out of which the fresh water and the swamp water come forth do not come in the form of corporate or government corruption.  They do not come in the form of riots, or an insecure border, a weakening economy, massive debt, irresponsible financial management, rampant crime, oppressive and dangerous political policies, sexual immorality, unstable and broken households, or perversion.  They do not even come in the form of deceitful academic institutions, a depraved entertainment industry, or a dishonest media.  All of these things are but symptoms, products, and end results of the fountains from which they have sprung forth.
The fountains themselves are philosophies, values, doctrines, and belief systems that guide and influence our choices and decisions at every level of society and there are unseen forces behind every doctrine and belief system that is embraced, propagated, and entrenched in every society, kingdom, civilization, nation, and empire and the type of fountain embraced ultimately determines as to what course a nation ends up taking either for its betterment or its demise.
If you want to know what really makes a nation great, prosperous, peaceful, safe, and free, or what causes a nation to be unstable within itself whose people are oppressed, subjected to perpetual misery, and in darkness, one need only to examine the nature of the fountain from which its people drink and if the water be poison, that fountain needs to be changed out in order for the water to be pure for when the water is made pure, so then will the people who drink therefrom.
But the changing of fountains is the most difficult task of all; even more difficult than unclogging the drain and repairing the breaches.  It involves a change that is spiritual and in order for a people to be persuaded to embrace a spiritual transformation, they must be persuaded of their need for such a change and that requires breaking down intellectual, philosophical, and even religious and theological barriers that may blind those to that need who might otherwise see that need.
It requires the discrediting in their hearts and minds those very lies they have taken for truth and if need be, challenging widely held social norms, traditions and customs but this is when we experience the fiercest opposition and the greatest hostilities because the most intense battles are not political, economic, environmental, or even moral.  They are spiritual because the state of our morality, the condition of our households and places of worship, the nature of our education, media, private business sector, entertainment industry, and government, the stability of our society, and the strength of our economy, and national security, is all affected by our spiritual condition for better or worse.
There is an age-long spiritual war that is being waged for the minds, hearts, and souls of men and it has been waged practically since the beginning of time itself.  There is a spirit who is the sole definer of what is right and what is wrong, what is good, and what is evil, and who is the source of all truth because He is the source of all life and the Creator of all things and then there is another spirit who has rebelled and set himself at enmity with our Creator, (Is. 14:11-21, Ezek. 28:12-19) who has become everything contrary to the God who made all things, who is called the father of lies, (Jn. 8:44) a bringer of death (v. 44) and who tries to corrupt, distort, twist, and pervert the things of God, who through various elaborate deceptions and falsehoods, blinds men to the truth of God and to the source of all truth which is God, hardens their hearts against the love, mercy, and grace of their Creator, and through various temptations, appeals to the base instincts and inherent corruption that resides within each and every one of us and has been doing so ever since the day that man was first created.
When God had created man, there was no corruption, evil, pain, grief, or death present in our world.  There was perfect harmony and unity between man, nature, and God, but one day, evil did enter into the world in the form of a tempting serpent whom we know today as Lucifer or Satan or the Devil.  The first lies recorded that were ever told were the lies that Satan told to Eve when he had tempted her to eat fruit from a certain tree called the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; the only tree that God had warned the first man Adam, and his wife Eve, the first woman, to not eat from lest they surely die. (Gen. 2:16-17, 3:3)
God allowed man to eat the fruit from any tree that was made, but it was the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that he was not allowed to eat from but at the behest of the that wicked serpent; that fallen angel called Satan, they partook of that forbidden fruit that would bring death to them and it all began with the first two lies ever told:
“Ye shall not surely die” (Gen. 3:4) and “ye shall be as gods.” (Gen. 3:5) Upon eating that forbidden fruit, they did not become any more enlightened as they thought they would be.  Everything was no longer right in the world around them or within them as things had once been.  They did not become divine, and they eventually died as was the sentence for their transgression. (Gen. 3:19) and the sin that entered into them and brought about their eventual death was not confined to just them.  The sin that entered into them by way of that forbidden fruit was also passed down to the rest of us (Rom. 5:12) because we are all descended from Adam and Eve into whom sin first entered.
The sin that entered into them is not merely a bad action or an ill-spoken word, but that inherent corrupted condition within each and every one of us which produces within us everything that is contrary to how God originally created man to be and is the reason why it is written that it is not that which goes into a man that defiles him but that which comes out of him is what defiles him (Mt. 15:11, 18-20) because man is already defiled by the sin within him; the bad behavior, conduct, actions, and speech being but the outward manifestation of what is already within him and this inherent corruption influences not only what we say and do, but also defiles our thoughts, corrupts our motives, clouds our reasoning, darkens our hearts, stains our souls, and produces within us wrong attitudes; all of which brings to us death as a consequence (Rom. 6:23) and it is this inherently corrupt and sinful nature to which Satan, the adversary of our souls appeals all the time through various means and has been doing so ever since he caused the fall of man by way of that forbidden fruit through which sin entered into Adam and Eve and death into the world and to all of mankind through the sin that entered into the first man and woman and then was passed down to all of humanity; death being the sentence for all sin for it is sin by which death has its power and it is by way of tempting corruptible flesh that Satan kills men which is why he is called not only a liar, but a murderer as well and has been so from the beginning. (Jn. 8:44) 
But the affects of sin are not confined to just men, but its taint has spread to all of creation itself which is why it is written that the creation travails and groans in pain (Rom. 8:19-22) and worse yet still, the sin and transgression of Adam gave Satan cause to claim lordship over all of the nations and kingdoms of the earth (Mt. 4:8-9, Lk. 4:6-7) which is why he is presently called the prince of this world (Jn. 12:31, 16:11) and worse even still, not only is Satan a murderer of the body, but he is also the murderer of the soul by way of sin because it is by sin he takes souls captive and by his clever lies, blinds them to the destruction that awaits them because of sin for what is worse yet still, is that sin has estranged and separated men from their Maker and forbids them access to His Kingdom which is without sin for that which is sinless cannot allow that which is sinful into its presence lest the Kingdom of Heaven become defiled with the taint of sin just as the earth became tainted by the sin of man.
Sin is the reason for the death, decay, and every kind of evil, misery, suffering, pain, grief, hardship, tumult, struggle, and sorrow that we witness, experience and by which we are victimized and it is routinely exploited by the powers of darkness to lead as many as they can to their eternal destruction and there is coming a day when all sin and all evil will face judgment and everything that has been corrupted, spoiled, distorted, and twisted by the touch of sin will have to be destroyed, and that includes everyone who remains and dies in their sins and what a unimaginable terrifying everlasting punishment that will be for them but God, because of His unending love for humanity, is not willing that any face such a punishment but that all would come to repentance. (2 Pet. 3:9)
And He has brought redemption to us in Christ Jesus, the only begotten Son of God and who has always been with God and is Himself God, (Jn. 1:1) who became a man to dwell among us to be that needed and required perfect sacrifice (2 Cor. 5:21, Heb. 7:26-27) for our sins thereby taking upon Himself and satisfying both the demanded sentence of death and the plea for mercy at the same time and then afterwards was raised from the dead so that our faith in Him for the forgiveness of sins and salvation from what would otherwise be eternal damnation would be made justified in Him. (Rom. 4:25)
And just as our souls are cleansed from sin and are transformed in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17) so one day, even these earthly bodies of ours will also be transformed from that which is corruptible and subject to death into a form in which dwells no sin and which is not subject to the power of death (1 Cor. 15:51-55, 1 Thess. 4:13-18) and then lastly, creation itself will be liberated from the curse and taint of sin when it is made anew, free from Satan’s grasp, and in which dwells no sin, evil, death, decay, grief, sorrow, hardship, or pain. (Rev. 21-22)
But it is the spiritual transformation that comes with the redemption of our souls when we call upon the name of the Lord Jesus that changes out the filthy fountain from which the swamp water comes into a fountain out of which life-giving water flows.  If we would exchange the fountain out of which the swamp water flows, then we must want to be free of our inherent corruption.
We must want to be free of all sin.
We must want to be free of all selfish desires.
We must want to be free of all darkness and evil.
We must want to be free of all falsehood.
And we must want to be free of all things displeasing and evil in God’s sight and which bring damnation to the soul
And we must want pursue those things that are good and pleasing in the sight of the Lord.
We must want to our desires and ambitions to be heavenly minded and not worldly minded.
We must want to abandon every lie and falsehood by which our minds have been poisoned and embrace the truth by which purifies our minds and we must want to take care to not exchange one set of lies for another set of lies and to make sure that what we are embracing is coming from God Himself.
We must want to place our full faith in God for all of our needs and not in anything lesser.
We must want to place our full trust in Him to sustain us in difficult times and for deliverance and not those things limited in their power and resources.
We must want to place our hopes fully in the world to come and not in this present world which is to one day pass away.
We must want to fear God above all else before whom all men are going to give an account one day, and to be free from the fear of what men may do to us for giving our due devotion to the God who made us.
We must want to walk in the ways, laws, precepts, and counsels of God Almighty and not in anything contrary to.
We must want to seek out God for the needed wisdom and the knowledge that we need to direct the course of our lives and not the faulty and inferior wisdom of this world.
And we must want the Lord Almighty to be our greatest reason for being alive and to be our source of a purposeful life and nothing else.
It is only when we remove the filthy fountains from our own selves that we will be then free of the polluted waters that defile us and it is only when that filthy fountain replaced with a clean fountain out of which fresh and nourishing water is produced can we be the vessels of light and life that we should be and once our own fountains are cleansed, only then will we be able to deliver life-giving water to our households, neighbors, friends, acquaintances, co-workers, customers, business associates and partners, respective communities, which then can be taken into our centers of education and academic establishments, which then can be transferred throughout the private sector, which then can cleanse the quality of our entertainment industry, bring integrity to our media, and shape policy in the halls of government.
It is by calling upon the God who created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them, and earnestly seeking Him out, and receiving the redemption and forgiveness offered to us by Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead again that we begin to Make America Great Again and divert her away from the destructive course that she is presently on.
What kind of water do you want to find yourself producing?  The swamp water that has infiltrated, seeped into, and saturated every level and sector of society or the kind of water that will cause all of that mirky swamp water to eventually disappear?
If you want to be a vessel of life-giving water and have not done so already, I would urge you reader to turn away from the swamp of sin, darkness, and evil and call upon the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who will take away from you all of your sins, make you a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven and the promised new world to come and transform you into the vessel of life-giving water that He created you to be and desires for you to be.  It is all but a simple prayer away:
"Lord Jesus I need you.
I realize that I am a sinner
who has fallen short of the glory of God
and that my goodness falls short
of your standard of Moral perfection.
Please forgive me of all of my sins.
Come into my heart and into my life
to be the Savior and Lord of my life.
Make me into the servant and follower
that you want me to be.
In your name Lord Jesus, I pray.
Know that God is not concerned with the words that you use to call upon Him forgiveness, but with the attitude of your heart and if you have, with all sincerity, have asked Christ to forgive you of your sins, placing your trust in Him only for your salvation and in nothing else, then your sins are forgiven and your place in Heaven is certain.
End notes:
1.   Greg Karraker, “Forget the Progressives in Washington,” American Greatness, January 24, 2022
2.  Ibid.
3.  Ibid
Scripture references:
1.  Isaiah 14:11-21
2.  Ezekiel 18:12-19
3.  John 8:44
5.  Genesis 2:16-17
6.  Genesis 3:3
7.  Genesis 3:4
8.  Genesis 3:5
9.  Genesis 3:19
10.  Romans 5:12
11.  Matthew 15:11, 18-20
12.  Romans 6:23
13.  Romans 8:19-22
14.  2 Peter 3:9
15.  John 1:1
16.  2 Corinthians 5:21
17.  Hebrews 7:26-27
18.  Romans 4:25
19.  2 Corinthians 5:17
20.  1 Corinthians 15:51-55
21.  1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
22.  Revelation 21-22

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