I’m in the WE-THE-PEOPLE Patriot Camp:

I Don’t Trust Govt or Medical Bureaucracy Nor the Globalist Dem-Marxist Brainwashed.

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© January 26, 2024

We-The-People of America who count themselves as Patriots who believe in the principles of a Founding American Heritage (yup, that includes a Christian Heritage influence), should come to realize there is a Globalist tyranny from without AND comprehend there is a treasonous tyranny agenda from within.

The We-The-People Patriots should also understand that the treasonous tyranny from within has effectively brainwashed (I’m guessing) nearly half of Americans that the Obama-overtly-managed fundamental transformation of America is good for Americans.

The brainwashed have zero concept their Liberty has been replaced by the concept of government control. AND if one resists control, they are labeled a criminal at best or an Insurrectionist at worst.

I’m about to cross post some webpages that I mostly agree with (but with a little nitpicking might find a minor disagreement) which I think demonstrates an American divide that if continues a widening chasm of unresolved issues will sooner or later lead to some form of American collapse. A collapse which one side will be forced to exact dominance over the other side.

For the American Left and their brainwashed cadres, force will not be a problem – HISTORY displays the actions of a BLOODY LEFT.

For the American Patriot with a conscience for Constitutional and Christian Principles, “force” might be a hesitant action that only righteous anger will lead to the exercise thereof. In the face of an unrepentant violent Left, I pray “hesitation” is not the downfall of Keeping America Great and Exceptional.

Cross posts shared in order of interest rather chronology:

You can look at these posts individually by clicking the embedded links are scroll down below to view in one location.

JRH 1/26/24


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Why Was Davos Important?

By Karen Schoen

January 25, 2024

News With Views

Did you listen to the MTG Hearing on injuries caused by the Covid 19 vaccine the CCP bioweapon? If not listen. It was refreshing to hear the truth.

Rumble VIDEO (2:33:20-hours): FULL EVENT: MTG Holds Hearing on Injuries Caused by Covid-19 Vaccines

[Posted by Right Side Broadcasting Network

Published January 12, 2024


Over and over it was discussed that the vaccine was designed to intentionally hurt people. How many people do we hear about who “Died Suddenly”? Over and over Representatives asked WHY? To understand WHY you must understand the enemy. Refusing to learn and name the enemy guarantees you lose.

The enemies of humanity are the Globalists. Davos was the gathering place of those who think that just because they have duped us for years, stolen our riches and future, they can continue without pushback. According to the Globalists, we should roll over and comply. In order to make this happen the Davos theme this year was the horrifying spread of mis or dis-information. Of course they are the ones spreading those lies. They think we are dumbed down enough to listen and follow their commands. At their Davos meetings, Globalists spent their time with drugs, hookers, lavish parties while determining how they would like us to live under their extreme surveillance and constant monitoring. We better pay attention. As I said, their theme this year is mis or dis-information that we are spreading. What does that mean? It means they are looking for ways to censor us. They have weaponized every government agency in almost every country. Nothing is more clear in America as Jim Jordan discovered that the FBI has a terror watch list of people who bought a MAGA hat, gun, Bible. If you did your credit card company will turn you in to the FBI and you will go on the terror watch list. That is called Fascism. Fascism is when the government dictates rules to businesses who must follow or lose.

The goal now is a socialist, redistributionist society, which is nature’s proper steward and society’s only hope.” – David Brower, founder of Friends of the Earth

The Globalists ultimate goal is Depopulation. They say it all the time we just don’t listen. They try to eliminate humans with experimental programs or drugs make money. They believe there are too many of us to control. They want wars, abortion, famine, drugs, suicide, euthanasia, mutilation because every policy of theirs ends the same- Death for the humans. Please read their words. It will make everything they do clear. Humans are their experiment to sacrifice because they crave eternal life. Organ harvesting is extremely important for their longevity.

The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.” – Club of Rome, premier environmental think-tank, consultants to the United Nations

Controlling and ruling America is their prize. America is one of the richest countries in the world. Filled with natural resources America is really self-sufficient. But the big problem is America is owned by We the People, Not They the Government. America is a Constitutional Republic NOT a Democracy. Unfortunately due to lack of a civics education Americans don’t understand what that means. Basically we answer to G-d, not Government. In America we are all equal. We vote for Representatives to carry our wishes to better our lives. We are all to follow the same laws in the Constitution regardless of ethnicity or race. The federal government does not own much land or natural resources and has no rights to sell anything.

The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We can’t let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization, we have in the US. We have to stop these Third World countries right where they are.” – Michael Oppenheimer, Environmental Defense Fund

Sadly we gave those representatives our power. We made money more important than G-d. We neglected our job of oversight and now we suffer the results. We can start oversight by naming those who voted to bring on more debt, more illegals, destroy the dollar and lock us into a life of slavery by their lies. We must start naming them as they are in both parties. A great start is the 107 Republicans who voted for a CR giving America to Biden to destroy. They are not interested in the invasion on the border. They must destroy nation states because they seek a One World Government housed in the UN and Davos.

Globalists don’t want countries which is why they don’t want borders. Globalists want regions with unelected bureaucrats running the show out of the UN or Davos. They want to own and control every aspect of human activity. When they say you will own nothing they mean it. They must redistribute our wealth. They must replace our Constitution (say NO CON-CON) They must inflict the poverty of socialism/fascism. Until we name and identify the enemy and their motive, we will lose as we fight each other instead of the Globalists. The enemy is in Davos, the UN, the banking cartel, the NGOs and they are in both parties. You can find the Globalists in the GOP by seeing the House members who voted for the CR to extend the Globalist government and keep the borders open. Let your legislator how you feel about their vote.

Regionalism must precede globalism. We foresee a seamless system of governance from local communities, individual states, regional unions and up through to the United Nations itself.” – UN Commission on Global Governance

Globalists will correlate every policy to climate change. By lowering the bar, using Affirmative Action and DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity. Stop letting them control the language. DIE is what they mean.) they have used the fear of climate to regulate business as well as our lives. Dumb Down people don’t ask questions they accept. The result is our once exceptional business model of demanding quality has become business striving for mediocrity at best. America is being run by Affirmative Action graduates modeled after Kamala. Accepting lies without question has become the norm. Parents how do you teach your child not to lie when they watch their leaders lie all the time. Worse than that is we accept the lies.

No matter if the science of global warming is all phony climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.” – Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment

Globalists know full well their plans do nothing for the climate or for society as a whole. That is OK since the purpose is to redistribute the wealth of the middle class. They must destroy the middle class because the middle class are the innovators, creators activists and dissenters, the truth tellers. Globalists will not tolerate competition or opposition. They lie constantly to achieve power.

Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Programme

Globalists tell us how much they hate us all the time. We just don’t listen. They experiment on humans to make money and eliminate humans. There are too many of us to control. They want wars, abortion, pandemic, famine, drugs, suicide, euthanasia, mutilation. Every policy of theirs ends the same- transfer of wealth for them and death for us. Read their words. It will make everything they do clear. Humans are their experiment to sacrifice because they crave eternal life. Organ harvesting is extremely important for their longevity.

The big threat to the planet is people: there are too many, doing too well economically and burning too much oil.” – Sir James Lovelock, BBC Interview

All is not grim if we act. Globalists cannot handle the truth. The world is waking up and all over populists are winning elections. Will it be easy? NO. It took them a long time to get this much control. They will not go away without a fight. But the end the truth will win.

[Blog Editor: The article author Karen Schoen only posted Youtube links below. I’m going to embed the videos which you can watch or not.]

Heritage President tells WEF the truth.

Youtube VIDEO: Heritage President Goes Scorched Earth on Globalist Elites at WEF

[Posted by The Heritage Foundation

Posted on Jan 18, 2024


Javier Milei telling the truth at Davos

Youtube VIDEO: Argentina President Javier Milei slams elites at Davos: ‘the state is the problem’

[Posted by New York Post

Posted on Jan 17, 2024


Good News

Did you know we nixed the NAC, Natural Asset Company? It was wonderful to hear about all of the calls the SEC and legislators got. Getting involved works. But beware. It will come back under a different name. Globalists NEVER stop trying to gain power.

Remember as primaries are upon us to vet your candidates. How do you spot a Globalist? They are in both parties. It’s very easy. Just ask your candidate what MAGA means. Most don’t know. Ask why do they not want America to be first? Ask them what kind of government does America have? If they say a democracy, say next. If they say a Republic ask them what is the difference between a democracy and a republic. Then ask Them what a Fascist is.

Is America worth saving? There is only one way to save America that is – with hard work. Are you up to it? Can you share this article with 5 people and ask them to share with 5 and so on? Sharing the truth and applying knowledge is power. This is the only way to save America. You can do it. I know you can.

© 2023 Karen Schoen – All Rights Reserved

E-Mail Karen Schoen: kbschoen@bellsouth.net

Website: http://www.karenschoen.com [Blog Editor: In my browser the link does not function properly and comes up as “unsecure”.]

Karen Schoen originally from New York currently resides in the Florida panhandle, a former teacher, dean and business owner who became an activist and devotes her time speaking to groups throughout the United States educating Americans to the communist United Nations takeover of America called UN Agenda 21 aka Sustainable Development Sustainable America, Resilient cities, Smart Growth, New Urbanism etc. Should you need a speaker on any agenda 21 issue, contact Karen. Karen has a Bachelor’s Degree in Education, minor in History and a Master’s Degree in Liberal Studies and post graduate credits from the New School of Social Research where she was trained in psychological manipulation now applied in schools. Putting the pieces together and connecting the dots is her specialty. Karen is one of the founders of the AgEnders (Americans ending Agenda 21) writes for blogs, newsletters, agenda21today.com [redirects to https://www.americaoutloud.news/], americaismyname.org [Not Secure], saveamericafoundation.com, and Karenschoen.com [I found her Substack page – https://karenschoen.substack.com/] Karen co-hosts her radio show, “American Freedom Watch Radio,” on blogtalkradio.com/americanstatesman and redstatetalkradio.com has numerous videos on teapartychannel.net [Redirects to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUiCTevM3-UQu2WSeCSL0IQ/featured], freedominamerica.us [web-link didn’t work for me] and youtube, and she is often a guest on other radio and TV shows. Karen heads the team of AgEnders dedicated to educating Americans about Agenda 21. Karen hosts The AgEnders webinars series designed to expose the truth, by providing education and conversation and action against UN Agenda 21. UN Agenda 21 calls for the inventory and control of every aspect of human activity while indoctrination into global governance. The Elite are using environmental issues to control the population, destroy American exceptionalism, individual rights, private intellectual and real property family values, religious values and nationalism. School programs like IB and Common Core are designed to transform Americans into accepting collectivism and social justice. Karen has testified in front of the Florida Legislature on many occasions, is a Director of Panhandle Patriots, a founder of the AgEnders, (Americans ending Agenda 21) , Co- chair of the Florida Assessment Committee on Education and Director of the Save America Foundation.

Copyright 2021 All Rights Reserved NEWSWITHVIEWS.COM


Can we peacefully coexist with the Left, or are we headed for civil war?

Three observations from Tucker Carlson say we cannot peacefully coexist with the Left and that we’re headed for conflict.


January 25, 2024

Freedom Park Press

The Biden administration is tearing down any obstructions to the illegal invasion.  The flood is overwhelming shelters and hospitals while the left is falling all over itself to offer taxpayer-funded freebies to encourage even more to come in.  And on top of it all, the law states that the National Voter Registration Act prevents every state from requiring people to prove that they are U.S. citizens to vote.  It should be obvious by now that the fascist far left will do anything to stay in power, while it accuses the pro-freedom right of planning to do anything to stay in power.

How do you peacefully coexist with people perfectly willing to lie and violate the law to stay in power?

A few years ago, Tucker Carlson observed three rules about the left that ominously indicate where we are going.

Youtube VIDEO: 3 Things Tucker Learned About the Left, and You Should Learn Too

[Posted by Tucker Carlson

Posted on Jan 20, 2024


The first is that leftists have figured out that the best way to control people is through “public/private” partnerships, where “woke” corporations are regulated to do the work of the government.  This is the collectivist ideology of fascism, defined as socialism with a capitalist veneer

Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners. Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly, by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest” — that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it.

The second is that the left is extremely projective — what Carlson called the “Rosetta Stone for their behavior.”  He figured it out when Antifa was running around dressed the same as Mussolini’s Blackshirts, armed with iron bars and black masks, calling other people fascist. 

Then his third — and most ominous — point is that leftists aren’t interested in peaceful coexistence

He voiced what is probably common for the freedom community: his optimistic viewpoint that he doesn’t want to believe this, and he hopes he’s wrong on this score.  He pointed out that it would never occur to him to try to control other people.

Most of us intuitively knew all of this already and that things have gotten far worse over the past few years.  Authoritarians are using social media corporations to suppress free speech in conjunction with the government.  They’re trying to get the credit card companies to flag ammunition purchases and other subversive activities.  While they are persecuting their political enemies and dictating policy without the proper procedures from the people’s representatives, they accuse President Trump of wanting to persecute political enemies and dictate policy.

Meanwhile, as Mr. Carlson noted as a thought experiment in his speech, the odds are that conservatives in Alabama are supremely uninterested in what people are doing “in the sack” in New York.  You know that leftists in Brooklyn cannot stand the idea of anyone not knuckling under to their insane ideology in the rural South.

This idea was perfectly encapsulated by a quote from Robert A. Heinlein:

The human race divides politically into those who want people to be controlled and those who have no such desire.

The authoritarians of the far left fall into that first category, while the rest of us fall into the second.  We don’t care about controlling others, and we don’t think about it, or plan on schemes to achieve it.

You should also note that these three rules are mutually supportive.  Leftists look bad going all authoritarian on society, but they throw suspicion off themselves by accusing others of what they are doing.  Their number-one accusation is calling the pro-freedom community fascist — it doesn’t make any sense, but they try to repeat it often enough to drown out the truth.

So the authoritarians incessantly project their control obsessions — with the notable exception of gun control — on the pro-freedom right.  They constantly think about how they can control our actions, from what we say to what kind of car we can drive and what we can eat.  But somehow, some way, we’re one step away from “autocracy” with the re-election of President Trump.

We are in a struggle with people who want power and are willing to use any means to take it.  The purpose of the deliberate policy of ripping open the border to an illegal invasion should be entirely obvious to everyone by now.  Bring in millions of “undocumented Democrats,” disperse them to every state, get them registered, and buy their votes with our money so there’s no reason for them to listen to the taxpayers. 

So how do you peacefully coexist with people willing to do anything to seize and hold power, beginning with their never-ending lies that we’re somehow doing what they’re doing?

How do you peacefully coexist with people willing to violate our founding documents daily?

How do you peacefully coexist with people willing to let thousands die from fentanyl overdoses?

How do you peacefully coexist with people willing to let in terrorists and criminal cartels, just so they can keep the border open to anyone and anything?

How do you peacefully coexist with people like that?

Originally published on the American Thinker

© 2024 D Parker

Freedom Park Press HOMEPAGE



Can America survive its traitors?

In the same week that the Supreme Court decides to prevent states from protecting their citizens from drugs & violence, we find out three former presidents are funding flights of illegals into the US


January 23, 2024

Leo’s Newsletter

Cicero Quote – Nation Cannot Survive Internal Treason (Leo’s Newsletter Photo)

This week’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to allow the federal government to remove razor-wire barriers set up by the State of Texas to discourage illegal border crossings was a slap in the face to every law-abiding American citizen.

An estimated 5 million foreign nationals, the vast majority of them males between the ages of 18 and 40, have illegally crossed into the U.S. since Biden took office. And this doesn’t include the “gotaways,” which are those who cross over under the radar of Border Patrol rather than giving themselves up and claiming “asylum.”

This is an invasion of military-aged men, who by all accounts appear well-fed and well-clothed. We should assume most of them are here for no good reason.

If you think about the ramifications of this decision — all of the death and destruction that will take place in Texas and beyond as a result — it’s not difficult to conclude that it’s more than just your typical bad legal decision. No, this was a criminal decision. And it was made possible by a Trump-appointed justice, Amy Coney Barrett, who along with Chief Justice John Roberts voted with the Marxist wing of the court.

Remember this decision next time Trump brags about putting “three great justices” on the Supreme Court.

It seems that in almost every crucial decision, either Justice Barrett or Justice Kavanaugh sells conservatives out. These two Trump-appointed justices do not hold anything close to a coherent or consistently conservative legal philosophy.

And this latest decision outs Barrett as an outright traitor to her country.

I’ve heard some conservatives suggest that maybe Barrett had her life or the lives of her family members threatened. If this is the case, she needs to resign and go public. She needs to call a press conference and explain to the American people that she is resigning because, in 2024, being a Supreme Court justice is no longer safe. And if that’s true, it means we live in a banana republic run by narco-mafia terrorists using violence to get their way.

So let’s not try to make her into some kind of martyr. More likely, Barrett, like Roberts and Kavanaugh, are not experiencing serious threats to their safety. It’s more likely that they are simply not what we were told they were at the time of their appointment to the court. These are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Not to be trusted.

The same could be said for three former presidents of the United States who have started a new non-governmental organization with the explicit purpose of chartering flights to import illegal aliens into the United States.

Obama, Bush & Clinton (Leo’s Newsletter Photo)

According to a report by Just The News, the group Miles4Migrants, founded by former Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton, is teaming up with two other organizations, American Express Global Business Travel and Welcome.US, to expand upon a previous effort that focused on importing Afghan refugees following the disastrous withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan in 2021.

Even before 2021, the United States has imported tens of thousands of Afghan refugees, some of which have been involved in horrific crimes that I documented in my book, Stealth Invasion.

Welcome.US was originally launched for the purpose of bringing in at least 85,000 Afghan refugees, and also has ties to the far-left billionaire George Soros and his Open Society Foundation, Just the News reports. The new coalition between Welcome.US, Miles4Migrants, and American Express Global Business Travel will seek to raise money to import illegals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, Venezuela and Ukraine.

“Donations are needed to fund the flights for newcomers to travel to the United States,” states the initiative’s webpage, adding, “Those forced to flee often leave behind all but what they can carry, and the costs of international travel can be prohibitive. Welcome Connect Travel removes the cost of travel as a barrier for both sponsors in the United States and the displaced families they are supporting through humanitarian sponsorship.”

This new effort by the NGO is in addition to ongoing importation efforts by the Biden regime, with the Department of Homeland Security chartering flights to bring illegals further into the interior of the United States.

The Roman statesman Cicero once stated (some say the quote actually originated from author Taylor Caldwell), “A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.[Bold-Italic text Blog Editor’s]

© 2024 Leo Hohmann

Leo’s Newsletter HOMEPAGE



Yuval Noah Harari: ‘Human Rights Are Fiction, Just Like God’

The comments were made in a recently unearthed video of Yuval Noah Harari.


January 24, 2023

Exposing The Darkness

Yuval Noah Harari – Klaus Schwab (Exposing The Darkness Photo)

By Frank Bergman January 24, 2024

A top World Economic Forum (WEF) official has declared that “human rights are fiction, just like God.”

The comments were made in a recently unearthed video of Yuval Noah Harari.

Harari is often credited as the mastermind behind the WEF’s anti-human agenda.

He serves as a senior advisor to the globalist organization and its founder and chairman, Professor Klaus Schwab.

During a Ted Talk, WEF architect Harari explains to the crowd why he believes “useless humans” should have no rights.

Before comparing human beings to “jellyfish” and chimpanzees, Harari ridicules members of the general public for their “belief in human rights.”

“But human rights are just like Heaven, and like God – it’s just a fictional story that we’ve invented and spread around,” Harari declares.

“It may be a very nice story,” he continues.

“It may be a very attractive story.

“You want to believe it but it’s just a story.

“It is not a reality,” he asserts.

“It is not a biological reality.

“Just as jellyfish, and woodpeckers, and ostriches have no rights, homosapiens have no rights also.

“Take a human, cut him open, look inside,” he explained.

“You find the blood, and you find the heart and the lungs and the kidneys, but you don’t find there any rights.

“The only place you find rights is in the fiction stories that humans have invented and spread around.”

Harari then pivoted his point to promote the WEF’s borderless globalist agenda.

“The same thing is also true in the political field,” he said.

“States and nations are also, like human rights, and like God, and like Heaven – they too are just stories.”

Harari then expanded on his open-border narrative by attacking America and Israel, which he claims don’t exist in “reality.”

“A mountain is a reality,” he noted.

“You can see it, you can touch it, and you can smell it.

“But Israel, or the United States – they are just stories.

“Very powerful stories – stories we might want to believe very much.

“But still, they are just stories.

“You can’t really see the United States, you cannot touch it, you cannot smell it.”


[Blog Editor: The video clip was embedded into a Yuval Noah Harari photo on Exposing The Darkness which redirects to a Rumble video.]

Rumble VIDEO: WEF Mastermind Yuval Noah Harari Says Human Rights Are Fiction, Just Like God

[Posted by TheLibertyDaily

Published January 23, 2024


Source: slaynews.com [Blog Editor: The original embedded link does not go to Slay News, but rather to the Rumble video above. I did a search on Slay News and found the original Frank Bergman post which I embedded rather than Rumble.]

© 2024 Lioness of Judah

Exposing The Darkness HOMEPAGE

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Rumble VIDEO: Birth of Climate-Hoax. Club of Rome – UN Agenda 21 Documentary

Posted by TheWarAgainstYou

Published January 23, 2024

Links provided thanks to AEtherEMF

Birth of the Climate-Change Narrative

– Club of Rome
– Population Growth
– 1972 book ‘The Limits to Growth’ 2020-2026
– Sustainable Development
– Ann Bressington, SA, Australia
– Overpopulation
– Totalitarianism, Centralization of Power
– Senator Malcolm Roberts, QLD, Australia
– Lima Agreement
– Paris Agreement
– World Climate Simulation
– Al Gore
– WWF & Environmental Groups
– United Nations, Agenda 21
– Maurice Strong
– United Nations, Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development
– Seize & Demolish Private Property
– Unnecessary Regulations on Private Land / Land-Owners / Ag
– Removal of Humanity from Wildlands to move to Metropolitan areas
– Congregate humanity into Smart-Communities
– Smart-Growth to take control of all Human Action
– Unisef
– Wildlands Project
– Rural lands off-limits to human beings
– One World Government
– Globalisation
– G. Edward Griffin
– Global Climate Government
– More laws to regulate and control
– Sold to public as “necessary to protect nature & natural resources”
– Transfer control of property to global government
– Elitists will own everything
– Communism
– Club of Rome Climate Emergency Plan
1994 Cairo UN Conference on Population and Development for 95% 💀 population reduction….

Fifth International Conference on Population and Development was held from 5 to 13 September 1994 under the auspices of the United Nations. More than 180 States participated in this event, at which a new Programme of Action was adopted as a guide for national and international action in the area of population and development for the next 20 years. 1994 Report pdf document —- Download final report (A/CONF.171/13/Rev.1) https://www.un.org/en/development/devagenda/population.shtml

The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the — threat of Global Warming —-, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. —- [= would suit our purposes] —- All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behavior that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.’
Club of Rome, BOOK > The First Global Revolution, 1991 https://www.clubofrome.org/contact-us
The Limits to Growth, Club of Rome, 1972

The Climate Emergency Plan, Club of Rome, 2018

The Planetary Emergency Plan, 2019

United Nations, Agenda 21, 1992
See also:


Dr. John Coleman

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Author: oneway2day

I am a Neoconservative Christian Right blogger. I also spend a significant amount of time of exposing theopolitical Islam.

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