Liz Cheney is in tears after whistleblowers gave shocking details that crumbled the Democrats’ January 6 narrative

Photo by TapTheForwardAssist, CC BY-SA 4.0,, via Wikimedia

Democrats and their allies in the press have called the Capitol Hill riot an armed insurrection.

But they have shown a shocking lack of curiosity as to what happened on that day.

And Liz Cheney is in tears after whistleblowers gave shocking details that crumbled the Democrats’ January 6 narrative.

Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-OK), Chairman of the House Oversight Subcommittee, has been digging into the security failures on January 6.

Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 House Select Committee suspiciously shut down that portion of the investigation.

Whistleblowers blowing up January 6 narrative

During a recent hearing, several D.C. National Guard whistleblowers testified as to why the Guard waited over three hours to respond to the Capitol Hill riot, and their answers were shocking.

Ret. Commander Sergeant Major Michael F. Brooks told the subcommittee, “[M]y commander was Major General William J. Walker. As his senior enlisted advisor, I reported only to him, and I was with him throughout the days before, the day of, and the subsequent weeks and months that followed the events of January 6 2021. So imagine my surprise when the [Department of Defense Inspector General] released their report without once interviewing myself or other critically significant D.C. National Guard members with first hand knowledge of what occurred that fateful day, not anonymous witnesses or anonymous officials, but senior ranking military members that were in the room on the calls and on the secure video teleconference.”

Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund was another high-ranking official who was conspicuously marginalized during the investigation.

Sergeant Major Brooks continued, “I will not sit here today and say if we had been given authority to immediately respond when Chief [Steven] Sund, the Chief of the Capitol Police, made that first frantic call for support at 1:49 p.m., that we would have prevented the breach of the Capitol. What I can tell you with absolute certainty is that we had a force equipped and ready to respond, and that despite the inaccuracies of the DoD IG report, we had a plan and would have liked the opportunity to try. Instead we waited for hours, less than two miles east of the [Capitol]…and not understanding why we had not received the authorization to respond.”

Army Reserve Colonel Earl Matthews called out by name senior officials who, according to him, lied under oath.

Colonel Matthews testified, “I am here today because two senior general officers of the United States Army, General Charles A. Flynn and Lieutenant General Walter E. Piatt, have acted contrary to those [Army] values. Generals Piatt and Flint have lied to Congress, to federal investigators and to the American people about why it took so long for the District of Columbia National Guard to deploy to the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Their distortions contributed to a deeply and fundamentally flawed Department of Defense Inspector General investigation and to deficiencies and other official inquiries. On January 6 2021, I was on duty and present during numerous conversations, video conferences, and phone calls leading up to, during, and after the riot, which was engulfing the Capitol. When I say these general officers lied, I do not do so lightly or cavalierly.”

Criminal coverup

Colonel Matthews’ testimony was corroborated by Army National Guard Captain Timothy Nick, who was intimately involved in the behind-the-scenes discussions on January 6.

Captain Nick said, “I was assigned as Aide-de-camp, the personal assistant to Major General William Walker, the commanding General of D.C. National Guard. . .I can say unequivocally that the Inspector General’s review is riddled with inaccuracies, misstatements and perhaps false flags and narratives regarding how critical Pentagon senior officials responding when our republic was under great stress. For instance, during a conference call at 2:31p.m. with members of United States Army, U.S. Capitol Police, Metropolitan Police Department, District of Columbia government, and U.S. Secret Service uniformed division, the U.S. Army’s Lieutenant General Walter Piatt, Director of Army Staff, and the Army’s Lieutenant General Charles Flynn, Director of Chief of Staff of Operations were on the call. Also [on the call] was Colonel John Lewis, Executive Officer to the Secretary of the Army. The Army falsely denied that General Flynn was ever on the call.”

If Captain Nick is correct, that is a massive coverup.

He continued, “This is false and material on its face. Lieutenant General Flynn was on the call and even participated in discussions. The Defense Inspector’s review also rounds language papering over the fact that Lieutenant General Piatt and Lieutenant General, while on the call, discussed how they ‘did not like the optics.’ That is a direct quote. And they stated it would be in their best military advice to recommend to the Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy to deny the request from Command General William Walker to deploy the D.C. National Guard and aid U.S. Capitol Police. . .”

Captain Nick also claimed that Secretary of the Army Ryn McCarthy lied.

Nick added, “In addition, former Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy claims he was on the 2:31 p.m. call and spoke on that call. This is false unless he was in the room shadowing the call and he did not speak nor identify himself. He was not on the call. He was en route to the Washington, D.C. regional office at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. . .He went on the claim that he called and spoke to Major General Walker at least twice, ordering deployment of the D.C. National Guard. This is also false. At no time did General Walker take any calls nor did we ever hear from the Secretary on any of the ongoing conference calls or the secure video teleconferencing throughout the day. . .Only at 5:09 p.m. in the early evening, which I wrote down in my wheel book, was the D.C. Guard given order to deploy and move to the Capitol to assist Capitol Police. We arrived too late. The D.C. National Guard was ready to help and assist Capitol Police, but we were not allowed to do our job due to paralyzed decision-making by Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller and Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy. This led to federal leadership in the Pentagon. This led to a crisis in federal leadership at the Pentagon and delayed the D.C. response by three hours and 19 minutes.”

During the hearing, Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-VA) pointed out how Donald Trump was put in a Catch-22 where he would have been punished for whatever decision he made.

Congressman Griffith asked the witnesses, “So I submit to you, gentlemen, that if the President of the United States had gone outside the chain of command and called General Walker directly, bypassing his acting Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Army, we might very well be in a hearing trying to find out why the President was interfering with the National Guard. Would you agree with that, Commander Sergeant Major?” 

Brooks responded, “I think that would have been highly irregular.”

Colonel Matthews replied, “Sir, keep in mind. . .during that time, they were talking about the President improperly using the military. They want to take precautions against that use. So they wanted to have it both ways to say he didn’t call, but if he would have called, they would have said he was trying to interfere with the chain of command.”

Needless to say, there is much, much more to January 6 than Permanent Washington is letting on, and the Democrat-controlled media will not report on it under any circumstances.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.

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