God’s News 4 2Days Daily Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
October 10/03/2019. Studied with the King James Bible
There’s a simple but sad answer to that question. Without any doubt we would be spending our eternity in a place with no air-conditioning, a place with lakes of fire rather than water, a place of torment and endless pain, where a drop of water is priceless. If I would ever find myself in Hell, I’d think about how much I loved the good life, and didn’t give any love to Christ. I would regret never being saved after Pastor Otis D Stanley preached about Jesus Christ, His Father God, and The Holy Spirit. I would know I couldn’t blame God for unjustly sentencing my soul to Hell. Why? Because I'd learned about God’s existence. I’d learned about God’s Son Jesus Christ, and how he was the only way for one to get into Heaven. What, why? Because Jesus Christ sacrificed his own life, thus paying the price for the sins of those who chose to confess them to Christ. When Jesus died, He died to give us life for all eternity, once we give our lives to Him. If we chose to live our lives as Christ lived, we will never be sentenced to these lakes of fire. The same Lakes of fire the devil had been cast into and will be tormented forevermore. See> (10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
Wow folks, without any doubt I’m glad I listened to Pastor Stanley and made the right choices. I strive to live my life as Christ lived His life, to the best of my ability. Sure, I fell from my Father's grace more times than I can remember. I lived for Christ, but Christ wasn’t always first in my life. Our life together was a roller-coaster ride filled with ups and downs, but my God never abandoned me. It was just a few years ago that I was finally able to trust in faith to let God take the lead in my life. Then I was able to wholeheartedly commit to reading God’s word, seeking His knowledge and directions on how-to live-in favor of God’s will and His laws. See> (Psalm 119:105) 105 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
My final thoughts
Folks while we are here on earth, we have the ability and the power of our Father God on our side to do good works, and tell others God has a plan for their lives. Tell them they do have a choice. They don’t have to go to Hell because of their sins. Jesus Christ took care of that over 2000 years ago, all we need to do is accept Him for who He is. The Son of God who loves us so much, He sent him down to save us. But it’s up to us to accept God’s offer, thus becoming a child of God. We are to give our lives to God, to serve our Father God, therefore avoid being sentenced to Hell forevermore, amen.
Let us pray together
Dear God, this morning we pray for every man, woman or child who don't know you. We pray they find you; we know you're right there beside them. We know you love them so much. That’s why we’ve come to you this morning God. We want to help those who don’t know you find your Son Jesus Christ, because it is through Him that they will come to find their Father God. So, God, help us to help them find you. We are here for you God, just as your Son is here with us, helping us, and assuring us that we can do this for you Father God. For your glory Father, please help us Lord, we all do pray in your Son Jesus Christ's name, amen.
Rev James Erick