Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4 2Days Daily Inspirational. Written by Rev James Erick
October 11th,2019. Studied with the King James Bible


America currently defends the world’s nations whose people seek freedom and peace. Without America's superior military strength “all the free nations would be enslaved.” America has been an unstoppable world superpower that controls good and evil, because they are a nation under God with liberty and freedom for all people. Why is that? Is it because they stand with God, and God has always stood by them? See> (Psalm 106:3-4) 3 Blessed are they that keep judgment, and he that doeth righteousness at all times. 4 Remember me, O Lord, with the favour that thou bearest unto thy people: O visit me with thy salvation; … So, what will America become now that their country that no longer acts accordingly? Currently the entire world no longer sees God in the United States. They are right to believe a nation united with God does not sell its children for sex, they wouldn’t allow same sex marriage. And they most definitely wouldn’t murder their own unborn children, thus taking their Father God's plans for their innocent lives from being fulfilled. See> (Jeremiah1:5) 5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.

My Final thoughts
We don’t need to ask our Father God how He feels about America because He already knows and His word clearly informs us what happens to nations who sheds the blood of their own children See> (Psalm 106:38, 40: 38 And shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and of the daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan: and the land was polluted with blood. 40 Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against his people, insomuch that he abhorred his own inheritance.

Let us all pray together
Lord, please have mercy on your children who honor and obey your will and your laws. Let them not become victims of their Father God’s wrath, for they have lost their voice in a country that once knew You and your Father. A country that you stood by when we were your people. A people whose government pushed you aside rather than remain strong within you. Lord, this morning we ask you to save your children who lost their voices, but never lost their faith, hope and love for you Lord. So, for their salvation we all do pray in your name, amen.

Rev James Erick

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