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God’s News 4~2 Days Daily Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
October 15th,2019 Studied with the King James Bible
 The Gospel of Jesus Christ was written so that we would clearly understand how important Jesus Christ is for one to receive their salvation. The gospel contains what we need to trust and have faith in that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, whom everyone of us seek forgiveness of our sins. For all of us have sinned and through Jesus Christ we receive salvation. I’ll say it again, ‘everyone of us have sinned’ make no mistake about it. See> (Romans 3:23) 23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; … To understand this, one must first understand what sin is. A sin is committed when someone rejects God’s laws and His authority over His creation, being mankind. Now here is, the good news folks. God wants everyone of us who sin to go to Heaven, that’s right, “every one of us sinners.” For this reason, God sent His Son down to earth to teach us how to go about living our lives as children of God. Thus, enabling us a one-way trip up to Heaven, rather than down into the pits of hell. But first we must repent and believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, as it is written in in the gospel of Christ.  See> Mark 1:15) 15 And saying, the Time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel… Once we call upon God’s Son with sincere hearts, God tells us we will be saved. See> (Romans 10:13) 13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved… Then we must live our lives the way our Father God wills His children to live.
My final thoughts
Let’s break all this down so that it’s clearly understood for those of us who desire to go up to Heaven rather than down to hell. Our Father God has given every one of us only one way to receive our salvation. We must have faith and believe Jesus Christ came down from Heaven to teach us how to live righteously so we can go to Heaven. We must believe Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, and three days later He rose again assuring us of our salvation. By us wholeheartedly striving to live this way, our Father God promises us a one-way ticket to an everlasting paradise with Him up in Heaven. Now folks it’s up to each of us to have faith in Christ and believe as we follow through with God’s plans for our lives. Is every one of us up to living this life for Christ? Are you up to it or already living it? I know I am, and I know I make mistakes. Some of them I had to learn the hard way, but I truly strive hard every day to live as Christ lived.

Let us all pray together
Lord, we thank you for loving us enough to come down from Heaven and live as one of us. We thank you for living a sinless lifestyle and teaching us how to go about living as you did, therefore assuring us so we can go to Heaven. Lord we know we will never be able to live in your shoes, in perfect righteousness. But with you and through you Lord, we know our Father God will keep His promise and we will be with you in our life ever after. Thank you, Lord, in your name we all do pray, amen. 
Rev James Erick

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