Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4 2Days Daily Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
October 14th,2019. Studied with the King James Bible
Jane’s Life
Jane's life had always been about herself. Her heart never loved or cared for other folks. She was a lonely old woman, because no one can love without loving their self, to be able to love back. Now at age seventy-five Jane finds herself alone and miserable in her hospital room after she'd suffered her second stroke. In the next bed to her right she heard her roommate’s family, cutting up and having a great time while talking about a man named Jesus Christ, who had given their grandma a new life with Him. Jesus Christ, she’d, heard His name many times during her life, yet she never knew Him. At least not the way her roommate’s family talked about Him. It was as if He was part of their family, I mean, they talked about how He'd performed a miracle, saving one of their children from an incurable cancer. And how Jesus took away their uncles’ addiction to pain pills once he had faith enough to trust in Him. Jane's attention grew when she heard them say Jesus was their family’s best friend and companion. How Jesus had never left of forsaken them See> (Hebrews 13:5) 5 Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Jane's heart felt a sudden desire to have Jesus in her life. Her heart began to melt as she felt the presence of The Holy Spirit surround her, for Jesus Christ had heard her heart’s desire. See> (Isaiah 65:24) 24 And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear... She became confused for she'd never felt the love of Jesus. In her confused mind she cried out to Jesus, “who are you Jesus Christ, that your able to do all these things?” Her roommate’s family opened the privacy curtain and immediately went to her. Jane felt their love for her, for they loved every man, woman and child. So, she asked them how she could have this friend and companion who they called Jesus Christ. The family gathered around her, one of them spoke in a strange language, and a young girl dropped to her knee's in prayer. An older man touched her forehead telling her Jesus was there with her, waiting for her to love and accept Him as her Lord and her Savior. 'I do Jane cried out', the man told her if you truly desire Jesus in your life, you must now confess your sins to Him asking Him to forgive you. See> (Romans 10:9) 9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved... Jane wept as she went about asking Jesus to forgive the many sins, she'd confessed to Him. And for the first time in Jane's life her heart was filled with the love of God. She was no longer lonely for she now has a family of God's children who she loved, and she knew who this man named Jesus Christ was. He was her Lord and her Savior, who filled her heart with joy.
My final thoughts
The next morning, a nurse who had been nursing Jane for five days found Jane had passed away during her sleep. "How odd" the nurse thought as she noticed this woman who never said a kind word to her and whose face always wore a sad frown. But that morning her face happily wore a smile. Jane's roommate asked what was going on? After she was told about her new sisters’ death, she said a prayer thanking her Lord and her Father God for saving her sister and letting her feel His love and His grace.
Let us all pray
Dear Father in Heaven we thank you for your loving grace, that you sent your Son Jesus Christ down to us so that those who wish to wear a smile on their face can do so. In your name Jesus Christ, we all do thank you, amen.
Rev James Erick

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