Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 42 Days Daily Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
October 22,2019. Studied with the King James Bible


Mr. Joe Staples heard Jesus Christ was the only way he could get to Heaven. But just like millions of other folks in a world that has taken God out of their personal lives, Joe's excuse was he didn't have time for God. Joe was a proud man who believed in doing things your way, because there’s no one you can trust to do it for you. Joe’s mind could not comprehend giving control of his life to a God who he couldn't see and had nothing for him. Joe began to get migraines and after his doctor saw a large tumor had developed in his brain, he was referred to a specialist. The specialist noticed the tumor had been developing in his brain. After many tests were done, the final diagnosis was the tumor was growing at an alarming rate and Joe had less than a year to live. With no one to turn to, Joe recalled a friend of his who had suffered through a lifetime with alcoholism disease. His friend Roy had just completed an amazing five years of sobriety. ‘Praise Jesus,’ Joe asked Roy how he beat the disease, and Joe assured him he could not have beat the disease without God’s help. Now for the first time in his life Joe asked how God helped him. Roy told him there was nothing God couldn’t do for those who love him and by faith believe in Him. Roy went on to tell Joe that once believed and gave his life to Jesus Christ, he could ask God to cure him. He told Joe God had accepted him as he was and through the power of God was cured. See> (Matthew 19:26) 26 But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” … Joe told him he doesn’t believe in the power of God, so Roy told him about a friend who was deaf but now hears and then told him several more powerful testimonials, causing Joe to believe and desire God’s power to help him. Roy asked Joe why he asked about God and after Joe told him he was dying, he wanted to accept Jesus into his life. So, Roy brought Joe to his pastors’ home where he learned about Jesus and His Father God. Joe committed his life to Jesus that evening, but his tumor kept growing and Satan was having a field day attacking Joe’s Faith. But Joe being a proud man wasn't about to give up believing in God, Satan became mad because he expected Joe to come back to him. That’s when Joe contacted Roy and they went to a prayer meeting. There they prayed over Joe. Joe's knees began to buckle, and he felt the power of God flood inside his body, causing him to drop to the floor unconscious to his surroundings.

My final thoughts
After a few minutes Joe was alert, and his headache no longer bothered him. Joe no longer felt the pressure in his brain the tumor had been causing. A few weeks Later Joe's doctor told Joe his tumor was gone, and asked Joe if he'd gone to see another specialist. Joey replied 'yes doc, I sought the help of Jesus Christ. I trusted him through faith he could heal me. It was because of my faith in Jesus He was able to and did heal me." See> (Luke 7:50) 50 And he said to the woman, Thy faith hath saved thee; go in peace… Joe who was now a proud man proud for Jesus rather than himself, decided to spend the rest of his spare time giving testimony of the miracle his Father God blessed him with. Not all stories end happy and this one is no exception. God did heal Joe, and he loved and served his Lord right up until his tumor aggressively came back twenty years later. Joey's faith and trust in God never faded during his final three months, and when Joey died, he was still a proud man for Jesus Christ, amen.

Let us pray together
Father God, this morning once again we want to thank you for providing all of us a way through your Son Jesus Christ to receive your gift of everlasting life. We thank you for taking us as we were, filled with sin filled hearts. We know that not one of us deserved to have your loving grace but, yet you poured it onto us with and abundance of unconditional love. We thank you Father God, in your Son Jesus Christ’s name, amen.

Rev James Erick.
A humble yet bold Christian soldier of our Father God.