Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2 Days Daily Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
November 7, 2019. Studied with the King James Bible


One of Mr. Scott Crease’s biggest victories over Satan as a babe in Christ, was when the devil attempted to steal his confidence in that his new friend and Lord Jesus Christ wouldn’t continue helping him stay sober. You see folks, Scott had been drinking his broken heart's pain away ever since he lost his family, when their flight didn’t make it from Florida to England. They were going to spend the summer with their great grandparents. Scott was to meet up with them a couple weeks later after he completed a landscaping contract at a gulf resort. Scott never completed the contract and his thriving business went bankrupt in only four months, because he could not deal with his grief without drinking. One day Brian Scout, one of Scott's old-time buddies from high school saw him waiting in line to pay his electric bill. With God’s help Brian was able to explain how Jesus Christ was able to heal his broken heart if he believed in Him. Scott's face lit up, for he knew his life was doomed if he kept on the way he was. Brian offered to take Scott to the AA meetings that he went to, and they also went to Sunday services where Scott gave his life to Jesus. Scott was doing awesome with his new life with Christ. This angered Satan for he’d lost another soul, so he played the confidence game on Scott hoping to weaken his faith. But Satan hadn’t realized Scott gave his life to Christ wholeheartedly, giving his whole self to Jesus Christ. He saw how Jesus took out the bad in his life, thus replacing it with the goodness of his Father God. So, when the devil tried to play Scott, he boldly and with total confidence believed that his Lord would “never stop performing the good He began in his life, and that it was best for him to leave or he would sick his Lord on him. The devil left. Game over. See > (Philippians 1:6) 6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

My final thoughts
Folks, Scott was able to beat the devil’s own game of confidence. How? Because of his strong faith in believing God’s word as the truth it is. Word for word Scott read the Bible, making his faith stronger every day. See > (Romans 10:17) 17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God… It was exactly four months after Scott gave his alcohol addiction and his life to Christ that an old contractor, he’d frequently worked for gave him a huge contract, which led Scott's business to bigger and better jobs than he’s ever had. Today Scott is high on Jesus instead of alcohol and he thanks his Father God daily for giving him another chance amen.

Let us all pray
Dear Lord. How great and wonderful you are. How much you help us, turning our bad to goodness goes beyond measure. We could never thank you enough for never quitting a job you’ve started. Sticking with us through thick and thin. We thank you Lord from the bottom of our blessed hearts, in your name we all do pray, amen.

Rev James Erick