Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2 Days Daily Inspirational, Written by Rev James Erick
Dec 2, 20019. Studied in the King James Bible


Vicky felt this way because God created her body with a lung disease. When she was a child her babysitter told her God is perfect, and He only created people with a sickness because He hates them. As Vicky got older, she began to hate God, she’d curse Him she wasn’t able to do things the other children enjoyed doing. Vicky felt this way about God even though Vicky’s parents were Christians and enjoyed helping and volunteering around the church and church functions. But for Vicky, going to church services and other functions only fueled her anger towards God. She never cared enough about a God that hated her to learn more about Him. After Vicky graduated high school and wanted to go to college, she studied to be a physician because she would often dream about discovering a cure for lung diseases. During college she met a God-fearing young man named Jacob Hicks. They fell in love instantly, and they felt nothing in the world could separate them. One day Jacob invited Vicky to church service and without giving any thought she blurted out that God hated her, and she felt the same way towards him. When she told Jacob why, he told her she was foolish to hate a God she never knew. Jacob asked her if she would let him tell her a few things about God. When she said okay, they agreed to meet that evening for dinner. Later at the dinner Jacob opened up to Vicky, telling her He loves God because God loved him first. See> (1 John 4:19) 19 We love because he first loved us. … He told her God loves every one of us so much that He didn’t want to condemn mankind because they didn’t love Him. God wanted us to learn about his love so He sent His son Jesus to earth to teach mankind, so that one day they could be saved through His son Jesus. See> (John 3:17) 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him. … Vicky's eyes told Jacob his words had sparked an interest in her, and the only reason she didn’t love God is because she didn’t know God. See> (1 John 4:8) 8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. … Vicky told Him she wanted to know who this God is that does not hate her. So he told her, "God longs for her, for everyone to know Him. “But to know God she would need to submit to Him. Vicky said with concern on her face’ Oh, but I do want to Jacob but, how can I? I don’t know these things you do Jacob.' ‘Vicky, I have an idea, Jacob said with a hopeful grin. If you really want to know God and love Him, I will help you submit to Him by reading God’s word together. But if you’re not totally committed to doing this wholeheartedly, you won’t be able to defeat Satan's traps and lies.' 'Okay Let’s do this,' Vicky said with a smile.

My final thoughts
At first Vicky struggled every day to trust God’s word is true, but despite her lack of trust her desire to know who God is hungered her heart. Slowly things began to change as Vicky's mind was renewed to the spiritual truths God says in His word, and she began to have faith and trust that God really did love her. Then one day during an alter call Vicky traded her old life for a new life with Christ. See> (2 Corinthians 5:17) 17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. Once Vicky learned it was sin God hated and not her, God was able to free her from that one lie told to her as a child. She never finished college for God had placed in her heart to teach others about Him and all the good news He has for mankind. Today she works for God alongside her husband Pastor Jacob Hicks. Amen.

Let us pray together
Father God, your love is so great and powerful, we want to help the world know about you. We know you, and know that you love us Father God, but there are so many folks in this world such as Vicky who only need a chance to know you. Please Father, help us use the gifts you’ve given us to help those folks find you. We love you Father God, and we pray in the name of your son Jesus Christ, amen.

God’s servant and child, Reverend James Erick.