Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 352 of 621 in Wall Photos

Gods News 4~2 Days Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
December 16th,20129. Studied with the King James Bible
Little Alexis' parents went to church every Sunday and Wednesday for services and whenever the pastor needed help. Alexis was blessed to have such warm, loving Christian parents who taught her to trust in her Father God in all things. Alexis hadn’t missed a day in three years that didn’t ask God for something she needed. Then for a short period of time Alexis began to have bad dreams. The bad dreams would turn into nightmares from out of nowhere and with no known reason. Her nightmares often caused her to cry herself to sleep. But then one night she was too scared to cry, she laid there frozen, unable to breath well. Today Alexis will tell you she had seen Satan that night. But that night she could have died if she hadn’t remembered what her teacher in Sunday school told her. That class taught her all she needed to do was call upon her Father God, and because her faith and trust in God is strong.  And that whenever His children call out to Him for help or in trouble all they needed to do is trust in God and call upon His help and He will come. See> (Psalm 86:7) 7 In the day of my trouble I will call upon thee: for thou wilt answer me.
My final thoughts
Alexis knew in her heart all she needed to do was call unto her Father God for help and He’d come. She knew her Father God would keep His promise to give her anything she needed, and right now all she needed was His help. So, she called upon Him in prayer. See> (Mark 11:24) 4 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. … Alexis was blessed to have known what to do in her situation because she lived in a Christian home. Now let’s take a guess at how many nine-year old’s do you think would trust in God to help them. Now ask yourself how many children might have died during an emergency such like this one because they didn’t know? Therefore, God needs us, “His soldiers” to make sure our children and their friends know if they trust in faith, asking God for help that He will come. Folks no child can afford not knowing these simple little promises their Father God ‘s made them. There’s never an age limit for God’s work.  God has given every Christian gifts to use for His glory. We may not even know what some of these gifts are. But I ask any and every one of you to go out this morning, and even if your children know all ready, it’s always good to keep them focused on seeking God for help in any situation.

Let us pray together
Lord, we never have a morning go by that we haven't been blessed with something to thank you for. But this morning we need to take a moment to thank you for always being there for those who call on you. In your name we pray, amen.
God’s Child and Christian Soldier Rev James Erick