Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4~2 Days Daily Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick
December 23rd,2019. Studied in the King James Bible


Whether it’s a normal thing we do or something we are not used to doing, God gives us our opportunity to lead someone closer to Him. As Christians It’s extremely important that before we leave this person, that we’ve tried our best to clearly inform them the only way to get to Heaven is through God’s Son Jesus Christ, for He alone is the savior of mankind. We don’t know if you this person will ever see each other again, so, before we leave it's our Christian obligation to tell them Jesus loves them more than any of us will ever be able to comprehend. There are many of us who are not called to teach, but our Father God instructs all His children to learn how to lead a stranger to Him. The best way to look at this is to know this person may never have an opportunity to know God as their Heavenly Father again. Perhaps that is the reason God reveals to all His Children the knowledge they need to learn so their prepared to fulfill every Christian's responsibility, to witness to any man, woman or child, on earth. See > (Acts 1:8) 8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth … I know I’ve probably just struck a few nerves for calling out this truth, but there’s no way around doing what our Father God tells His children they are to do if we call ourselves a Christian. Why? Because this is our Father God’s will and requirement for “All His Children.”

My Final thoughts
Every Christian ‘MUST’ honor their Father God’s will, for them to share the gospel of Christ. Not all of us are called to preach but we are called to be Christian’s. I’m sorry to inform everyone reading this inspirational this morning that our Father God considers it a sin for those of us who know this is God’s will for every Christian to do. And if we do not do it we are committing. See> (James 4:17) 17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin. … My advice is for everyone to study the gospel of Christ and learn the basic things you’ll need to know and understand for yourself, to help lead someone closer to His Father God, amen.

Let us all pray
Heavenly Father we come to you this morning through your Son Jesus Christ’s name, asking you to place anyone of us who are ready to work with your Son Jesus Christ, to lead folks who don’t know you as their Father God closer to your loving grace, so they may receive your most precious gift you've offered to each and every human on earth. God we ask to do this for you because our love for you is strong in our hearts, not just because it is our Christian responsibility if we’re indeed claiming to be a child of yours. In Jesus name we all do pray, amen.

God’s Christian Soldier yet humble Child Rev James Erick