Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 379 of 621 in Wall Photos

"While people are posting about former President Obama and his eight years in office, I decided to finally say how I really feel, so here goes....
When he was "voted" into office. I took a deep breath, sighed and said, let's give him a chance.
He’s charismatic, he’s funny. He has a good singing voice too. A good public speaker; quick on the draw......right?
Here we had a mixed race president who just might UNITE our nation and bring an end to racial discrimination. Right?
Here we have a younger president that will bring better leadership and growth to our nation. Right?
Here we have a president whose popularity is pretty good and has the ability to use his charisma and likability to help bring other countries on board for changes needed. Right?
So...what happened?
A president who, in fact, is a socialist liberal wanting to indoctrinate Americans. No Christian morals upheld. The obstructionist leftist swamp leader. The man who in eight years brought an additional 11 trillion dollars in deficit. Bowing and apologizing to other nations for our past leadership and policies. Handing over billions to Iran like a drug dealer, in the dark of the night, while their leaders shout death to America.
Trading GITMO prisoners for a deserter, a traitor.
Then there is the Bengazi deal. Arms trading that murdered our Ambassador Stevens and other men by torturous means too horrible to even think of while he played golf the next day and Secretary Clinton ignored the pleas for help while she slept.
The abominations committed by this president will never heal. The uranium one deal, the racial divide, the Obamacare and mandate. All were designed to demoralize Americans.
To make Americans weaker, dependant on big Government. To get rid of the middle class as we know it.
Infiltrate our nation with Muslim ideals and politics, criminals, drugs, murderers. rapist, pedophiles, and human trafficking. Reduce Christian beliefs, reduce pride in our flag, pride in our military, pride in our heritage and history by removing statues, books, songs and symbols of all that America has built from blood, sweat, tears, wars, and prayer.
Here Obama could have done great things, propelling our Nation forward, prouder and stronger. Most importantly united us as we should be. Shamefully he did not, in my opinion. That is his legacy.
That is how to destroy American democracy, sovereignty,
Well guess what? The Leftist obstructionists were not counting on a man like Donald J. Trump to come along and give up his billionaire empire because he has for four decades constantly watched America lose its pride and power. Slipping away into the new world order.
They were sure Clinton was going to win and continue Obama's campaign to destroy and indoctrinate.
They were not counting on millions of Americans hearing Trumps message, get fired up, wake up and finally take a stand against the good ol' boys in DC.
Their loss was, and should have been, a wake up call.
We elected this man to drain the swamp, reverse the deep state ideals and bring America back stronger.
We stand by President Donald J. Trump because we know in our hearts and our lives that his love for God and our Country is real and truthful. What he is doing and continues to do is such a huge move to make and keep our nation great again. He is mocked, hated, obstructed in every decision, every occasion. Nothing like I have ever seen in all the years I have lived.
His message is powerful and what he has so far accomplished these past 2 years far more than any president is astounding. He DESERVES our support. He DESERVES to continue forward. We have been wakened from a deep hypnotic zombie like state.
Finally someone speaks for us, the majority.
Pray for President Donald J. Trump, our 45th. Pray for America"!!!!

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