Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God's News 4~2 Day’s, Daily Inspiration, written by Rev James Erick
April 20,2020. Studied in the King James Bible


It was one week ago when Rev Jack Catron’s cousin Josh Catron was having a weak moment. Feeling concerned he told his cousin Jack that lately he’s been feeling left out of His Father God’s blessings and wanted to know his opinion. Rev Jack reminded Josh how God blesses him and his family every morning to live another day. He told him God blesses him with the ability to work his farm, and in return for his hard work God blesses him with a good harvest, so he’s able take care of his family. Josh wasn’t upset nor did he deny what his cousin had pointed out to him. Then Reverend Catron told him, it is because he chose to live as righteous as he can and raise his family with God. He’s not only blessed but blessed abundantly. ‘What do you mean' Josh asked?’ Jack saw he’d sparked an interest with Josh, so he took the opportunity God had given him to tell Josh the following. “It is because you strive hard to fill your life with righteous deeds and live a righteous lifestyle he will be abundantly blessed. See> (Matthew 5:6) 6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. … And because you and your family strive hard each day to obey God’s commandments, you'll be blessed and enter Heaven. See> (Revelation 22:14) 14 Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city. … Reverend Catron went on to say, ‘because you keep your heart pure you will see God.’ See> (Matthew 5:8) 8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. … Then Jack told him that the other day when his co-workers teased and persecuted him for his faith in The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, he will go to Heaven. See> (Matthew 5:10)10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. … 

My Final thoughts
‘Wow! Josh said, I don’t know how I've overlooked what God has clearly told me in His word. I feel so foolish.' ‘Don’t be Cousin Jack said, If you were a foolish man you would not be living your life as you live for Jesus every day. If you were to ask Father God if He was pleased with you, I am more than sure He would say, 'Joshua, my son I am pleased with your dedication, love and loyalty to live for my righteousness.’ Josh went back home assured that every day is another day blessed and told his family what their cousin Rev Jack Catron had told him. Then they gathered in family prayer thanking their Father God for all the blessings He gives them every day of their lives. Amen 

Let us pray together
Dear Father in Heaven, how grateful we are for your blessings given to us as we strive hard every day to live the new lives you’ve blessed us with as righteous as possible. We thank you for your mercy on us each time we fall short, and for your Son Jesus Christ picking us up after each fall. Yes Father God, we come this morning in honor of your blessing and wish to share them with the people we encounter daily. In our Lord and Savior’s name Jesus Christ we all pray, amen.
May we all walk under Jesus’s Christs guidance for all our days on earth, The rev