Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

Photo 392 of 621 in Wall Photos

Lets talk about this Vote by mail that the Democrats are pushing so hard on . Now let me elaborate on this subject on which I have been concerned about for over a year now . There are 15 states , Puerto Rico as well as the District of Columbia that are issuing Driver License to illegals . As You should be aware of when You are issued a License to Drive the DMD registers you a voter id. My concern with this is how many states are issuing Voter ID's to these illegals allowing them a way to vote in our elections . I am attaching a couple of links to this post to prove my point . Are the Democrats trying to cheat in the upcoming elections ??? I feel like they are doing everything they can to remove Trump from office and I also feel this gives them another avenue to do so !!!

From a friend
I have been saying the Democrats were achieving votes through illegals being granted drivers license since the very day it was announced. As stated the DMD registers you to vote along with your drivers license. They have definitely cheated before, there are constant post of how many illegals registered to vote or how many of the dead registered. It is very frightening... Without a doubt Biden is suffering of dementia, perhaps early signs of senility. The Democrats know this man is not mentally fit to run our country. My fear lies with what evil creature that is patiently lerking behind the curtain to announce running mate for the position of Vice Presidency. If Biden were to win in November, shortly after he stepped into the Oval Office he would promptly be removed due to mental incompetence. Thus the Democrats plan of Vice President, now President achieved. Some say Hillary, others Michelle with a penis. Either one would bring doom and the destruction of our country. There is no if and or buts about it. What makes matters even worse then the illegals voting Democrat or the dead voting Democrat, American citizens voting Democrat. I find myself in arguments on Social Media with Biden supporters. Those I grew up with, that I thought were my friends for most of my 53 years of life no longer speak to me because I believe in President Trump. As a matter of fact my very own 3 adult children will not speak to me because I stand with my President. The idiocy is indeed 100% real. The corruption of our government exist on every level, from the bottom up. President Trump is the only one standing between us and the loss of every right our forefathers died for. Just saying…/el…/automatic-voter-registration.aspx…/states-offering-driver-s-licenses-to…