Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God’s News 4 This Weekend's Inspiration, written by Rev James Erick
May 2-3, 2020. Studied in the King James Bible


I cannot imagine how things would be in the world today if Jesus Christ had chosen to be disobedient to His Father's will, for Him to come down to earth. To be the Lord and Savior of God’s People, who strayed from His laws and will for them. Thank God Jesus was obedient to His Father God’s will and came down to earth, taught mankind about His Father God’s Love, mercy and grace, to teach His people how to live on earth as His sons and daughters. See> (Jesus teaches how to as children of God) … That is why I am forever grateful that Jesus Christ remained in obedience to His Father God’s will, understanding He would give up His own life as a sacrifice to pay the debt of man's sins, ‘our sins.’ But how Preacher, how did Jesus Christ dying pay for the cost of our sins?” It is because Jesus died a righteous man, thus, His blood remained Pure and unstained from man's sin. God’s word tells us to repent of our wrongful doings and seek Jesus Christ's forgiveness of our sins once we have confessed them. Refer to> (John 3:13--17)

My Final Thoughts.
Know that it is because Jesus Christ remained in obedience to His Father God’s will that every person can be a child of God today. And know that ‘only through our Father God’s grace and mercy we are saved. See> (Ephesians 2:8) 8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: … But above all things what a Christian must know is, God requires the same obedience from His children that He required From His Son Jesus Christ. So please friends, let God see that your heart's desire is to be obedient by your good works and actions. Do your best and do not worry about being as perfect as Christ, our Father God does not expect us to be. But He wants His children to study and do good works showing others God’s approval. See> (2 Timothy 2:15) 15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. … When we strive to live in obedience to our Father’s laws and will, we make Him pleased of our good works. And that for me folks make my life living with Christ my focus point for each day. Amen.

Let us pray together
Dear Lord. It is true our heart's desire is to do good things that glorify our Father in Heaven. We do not want to do the bad things that are in our human nature. So, please help and guide us Lord. For you Lord, were the only man to maintain obedience to your Fathers will and plan He made for you, as you lived on earth to be our Lord and Savior. We know that with your help is our only way, the only chance we have at pleasing our Father God. So, for this and all that you do and will do for us, we are all grateful. In your name Jesus Christ, we pray amen.

May we all walk under our Lord and Savior's guidance. Rev James Erick

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