Rev James Erick's Album: Wall Photos

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God's News 4 this weekend’s Inspirational, written by Rev James Erick.
MAY 09/2020. Studied in the King James Bible


As a child Jennifer never needed to know or care how good things happened, or why or how blessings seemed to favor her. As an infant Jennifer never cried during services, some folks would hear interesting sounds that appeared to lift her young spirit. Over the next five years her parents and folks at church noticed an increase in her actions, excitement, and desire to clap during worship time. During her children's bible class her spirit blossomed with an incredible hunger to learn. At eight years old Jennifer’s inner spirit became dominant over her personal wants and desires. Her mother saw the Holy Spirit's movement within her daughter. And from that moment, Jennifer’s mom sought after her Lord Jesus Christ's help in teaching her daughter about the love and securities she would always have with Jesus Christ, as a daughter of God. Together Jennifer's mom and Jesus Christ taught her the basic principles of how to live a righteous lifestyle giving God His glory in a world full of hate and unrighteousness. Together she and Jesus showed Jennifer how their Father God desires to fill all her needs and knows them before she does. See> (Matthew 6:8) 8 Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. …

My Final Thoughts.
As Jennifer grew spiritually her hunger to serve her Father God grew. The Holy Spirit's power and energy became more actively present in the young lady’s Christian walk with His Son Jesus Christ. God is proud when His children live as Christians should, thus, representing His righteousness. This pleases our Father God in Heaven, because He knows our hearts totally trust in faith that He is our true Father God in Heaven. God is our Father God for He is the creator, thus the Father of all living things. Personally, I would not be serving God if I had any doubt that God is real. He loves us, and we love and serve Him to the best of our human capabilities, trusting in Him for everything we need to live on this earth for Him , with His Son Jesus Christ's wisdom and guiding us in our new lives with Him.

Let us all pray.
Dear Father God, this morning we are eager to jump into our day serving you, letting your love and good works shine through us, thus lighting up the world around us with your presence. Yes, Father God, we know we can live our lives for your glory because you are with us. You give us our securities and provisions that we may live in your glory each day, thus making someone's day a little brighter from your light shining bright in our lives. For this we are grateful Father, in your Son’s name Jesus Christ we all pray, amen.

Sincerely God’s humble yet bold Christian soldier, Rev James Erick